

In unregelmäßigen Abständen finden am MPQ Seminare statt. Diese werden von den Wissenschaftlern der einzelnen Abteilungen organisiert. Der Veranstaltungsort wird mit dem jeweiligen Seminar bekannt gegeben.
Raum: B 2.46

SDP relaxations for the certification of properties of many-body quantum states (Flavio Baccari)

SDP relaxations for the certification of properties of many-body quantum states
Understanding the properties of many-body systems is one of the crucial questions for the development of quantum technologies. An ubiquitous problem is to certify that a given many-body quantum system satisfies an operational property: is this given system in an entangled state? Does it contain the solution to a classical optimisation problem? [mehr]

Entanglement in non-unitary critical spin chains (Romain Couvreur)

Entanglement in non-unitary critical spin chains
Entanglement entropy has proven invaluable to our understanding of quantum criticality. It is natural to try to extend the concept to “nonunitary quantum mechanics”, which has seen growing interest from areas as diverse as open quantum systems, noninteracting electronic disordered systems, or nonunitary conformal field theory (CFT). [mehr]
Traditional thermodynamics deals with macroscopic systems in thermal equilibrium, where one only has control over a few macroscopic variables (volume, temperature, etc). [mehr]
We study impure mesoscopic one-dimensional ensembles with majority particles either non-interacting fermions or bosons. [mehr]
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