

Das MPQ-Kolloquium findet dienstags statt und beginnt um 14.30 Uhr.
Das MCQST-Kolloquium findet dienstags statt und beginnt um 14:00 Uhr.

Der Veranstaltungsort ist der Herbert-Walther-Hörsaal.
Details zur Online-Teilnahme werden über die Mailing-Listen [wiss-mpq] und [Mpq-colloquium-stream] versandt. Bitte registrieren Sie sich hierzu über den nebenstehenden Link.

Ansprechpartner für die wissenschaftliche Organisation:  Dr. Stephan Dürr und Prof. Thomas Udem

I will introduce a “multiplexed” optical lattice clock designed to search for new physics. I will present recent experimental results in which we used this apparatus to perform a novel, blinded, precision test of the gravitational redshift with a vertical array of 5 ensembles of strontium atoms spanning a total height difference of 1 cm. I will discuss the outlook for future searches for new physics with our apparatus. [mehr]
We demonstrate the first laser excitation of an atomic nucleus and perform precision spectroscopy of the nuclear quadrupole structure emerging in a solid-state environment.This allows us to determine nuclear shape parameters with unprecedented accuracy and determine the sensitivity of the nuclear clock transition to a variation of the fine structure constant. [mehr]
The creation of Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) of dipolar molecules has been a long-standing goal in ultracold quantum science. Already soon after the first atomic BECs, it was understood that molecular quantum systems with dipole-dipoleinteractions will open up novel opportunities for many-body quantum physics. But cooling of molecules to sufficiently low temperatures proved to be exceedingly hard due to the presence of strong collisional losses in molecular gases. [mehr]

"tba" (Prof. Artur Widera)

tba [mehr]
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