

Das MPQ-Kolloquium findet dienstags statt und beginnt um 14.30 Uhr.
Das MCQST-Kolloquium findet dienstags statt und beginnt um 14:00 Uhr.

Der Veranstaltungsort ist der Herbert-Walther-Hörsaal.
Details zur Online-Teilnahme werden über die Mailing-Listen [wiss-mpq] und [Mpq-colloquium-stream] versandt. Bitte registrieren Sie sich hierzu über den nebenstehenden Link.

Ansprechpartner für die wissenschaftliche Organisation:  Dr. Stephan Dürr und Prof. Thomas Udem

The macroscopic population of a mode in a Bose-Einstein condensate, of bosons or paired fermions, generates spatial and temporal coherence properties at the macroscopic scale. The interactions and the intrinsic multimode nature of the atomic field enrich the phase dynamics of condensates, raising questions of fundamental and applied order. [mehr]

"tba" (Prof. Peter Hommelhoff)

tba [mehr]
I will introduce a “multiplexed” optical lattice clock designed to search for new physics. I will present recent experimental results in which we used this apparatus to perform a novel, blinded, precision test of the gravitational redshift with a vertical array of 5 ensembles of strontium atoms spanning a total height difference of 1 cm. I will discuss the outlook for future searches for new physics with our apparatus. [mehr]
We demonstrate the first laser excitation of an atomic nucleus and perform precision spectroscopy of the nuclear quadrupole structure emerging in a solid-state environment.This allows us to determine nuclear shape parameters with unprecedented accuracy and determine the sensitivity of the nuclear clock transition to a variation of the fine structure constant. [mehr]
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