

The MPQ Colloquium is held on Tuesdays at 2:30 pm.
The MCQST Colloquium takes place on Tuesdays at 2:00 pm.

The talks will take place in Herbert Walther Lecture Hall. Details on how to participate online are distributed via the mailing lists [wiss-mpq] and [Mpq-colloquium-stream]. To receive this information, please register using the attached link.

Scientific organization of the talks:  Dr. Stephan Dürr and Prof. Thomas Udem

In this talk, I will give an overview of the early history of a quantum history of radiation – from its beginnings in 1900, as the central issue of quantum physics in the problem of black body radiation, to its establishment as a subfield of the new quantum mechanics in 1927, with Paul Dirac’s foundational work on quantum field theory. [more]
The search for anyons, quasiparticles with fractional charge and exotic exchange statistics, has inspired decades of condensed matter research. Moreover, it has been predicted that exchange braiding of these particles, especially non-abelian anyons, can produce topologically protected logic operations that can serve as building blocks for fault-tolerant quantum computing. In this talk, I will discuss the progress of research on two quantum materials platforms to realize these exotic particles. [more]
The macroscopic population of a mode in a Bose-Einstein condensate, of bosons or paired fermions, generates spatial and temporal coherence properties at the macroscopic scale. The interactions and the intrinsic multimode nature of the atomic field enrich the phase dynamics of condensates, raising questions of fundamental and applied order. [more]
Typically, ultrafast phenomena are studied by pump-probe techniques providing the dynamics of averaged system properties after excitation. Recent advances enable a time-domain access also to their elementary fluctuations both in and out of equilibrium. [more]
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