

Das MPQ-Kolloquium findet dienstags statt und beginnt um 14.30 Uhr.
Das MCQST-Kolloquium findet dienstags statt und beginnt um 14:00 Uhr.

Der Veranstaltungsort ist der Herbert-Walther-Hörsaal.
Details zur Online-Teilnahme werden über die Mailing-Listen [wiss-mpq] und [Mpq-colloquium-stream] versandt. Bitte registrieren Sie sich hierzu über den nebenstehenden Link.

Ansprechpartner für die wissenschaftliche Organisation:  Dr. Stephan Dürr und Prof. Thomas Udem

Raum: Herbert Walther Lecture Hall Ort: Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Hans-Kopferman-Straße 1, 85748 Garching
Arrays of atoms with interactions provided by highly excited Rydberg states provide a setting where atomic physics takes on extreme properties which are being harnessed for quantum applications. In the last few years remarkable progress has been achieved with neutral atom arrays, and they are now established as a leading platform for quantum computing. [mehr]
Unconventional superconductivity with high critical temperatures, topologically non-trivial phases, frustrated magnetism, spin-liquids or the intensively discussed Kitaev phases are a few examples of exotic states in quantum materials. One of the big challenges in quantum physics is the microscopic description of such systems. Moreover, being able to understand them implies the possibility of predicting compounds with desirable properties. In this talk, I will present and discuss strategies for designing quantum materials from first principles and by using statistical methods, and will motivate their possible use for present technological applications. [mehr]
Zur Redakteursansicht