
In unregelmäßigen Abständen finden am MPQ Seminare statt. Diese werden von den Wissenschaftlern der einzelnen Abteilungen organisiert. Der Veranstaltungsort wird mit dem jeweiligen Seminar bekannt gegeben.
This talk aims to offer insight into the latest developments at the APS Editorial Office and its flagship publication. [mehr]
The Quantum Community in Munich launches its International Max Planck Research School for Quantum Science and Technology (IMPRS-QST). To this end, we celebrate the IMPRS Launch with several Quantum talks on Thursday at the Herbert Walther lecture hall (MPQ,Garching). On Friday afternoon, our members from the Walther-Meissner Institute will present their work on the MQC Workshop together with a subsequent poster session. [mehr]
Cold atoms can now be routinely prepared and precisely controlled for the study of quantum physics. [mehr]
Tests of quantumness are experiments which enable us to exclude the possibility of modeling them with classical means. They enable us to prove strong statements about the nature of the universe and obtain cryptographic protocols with an unprecedented level of security. [mehr]
Trapping ultracold atoms in optical lattices enabled numerous breakthroughs uniting several disciplines. Although light is a key ingredient in such systems, its quantum properties are typically neglected, reducing its role to a classical tool for atom manipulation. [mehr]
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