

In unregelmäßigen Abständen finden am MPQ Seminare statt. Diese werden von den Wissenschaftlern der einzelnen Abteilungen organisiert. Der Veranstaltungsort wird mit dem jeweiligen Seminar bekannt gegeben.
Gastgeber: MPQ
Spectral and topological properties of bands, such as the curvature andBerry curvature, have dynamical significance. [mehr]
The conductance of a quantum point contact exhibits an unexpected shoulder at $simeq 0.7 (2 e^2/h)$, known as the "0.7-anomaly", whose origin is still subject to debate. [mehr]
I will present recent experimental activities in the field of cold atoms taking place at Institute of Physics in Zagreb. [mehr]
Ultracold mixtures hold the promise of understanding new phases of matter and collisions at very low energies. [mehr]
Cold and ultracold molecules possess the potential to revolutionize physical chemistry and few-body physics, provide new techniques for probing new states of quantum matter, allow for precision measurements of both fundamental and applied interest and enable quantum simulations of condensed matter phenomena. [mehr]
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