Kolloquien Archiv Sommersemester 2016

Raum: Herbert Walther Lecture Hall

Entanglement of Complex Quantum Systems (Prof. N. Schuch)

Complex quantum systems exhibit a variety of unconventional phenomena, such as protected quantized edge currents or excitations with non-trivial statistics.  [mehr]
Device-independent quantum information processing represents a new framework for quantum information applications in which devices are just seen as quantum black boxes processing classical information. [mehr]
The design of fundamental optical components such as lenses, gratings, and holograms has remained essentially unchanged for at least fifty years, relying on textbook refractive and diffractive optics. [mehr]
Synthetic ladders realized with one-dimensional alkaline-earth(-like) fermionic gases and subject to a gauge field represent a promising environment for the investigation of quantum Hall physics with ultracold atoms. [mehr]
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