

In unregelmäßigen Abständen finden am MPQ Seminare statt. Diese werden von den Wissenschaftlern der einzelnen Abteilungen organisiert. Der Veranstaltungsort wird mit dem jeweiligen Seminar bekannt gegeben.
Vortragender: PD Dr. Thomas Bocklitz Raum: Herbert Walther Lecture Hall Ort: Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics
Photonics is increasingly being used in various disciplines such as biology, medicine and diagnostics. This increase in applications is driven by improvements in experimental setups, but also by the development of data science methods in the context of photonic data. These data science methods enable the detection and extraction of biomedical information from subtle differences in biophotonic data. This information can be as diverse as predicting tissue types, disease states, or certain characteristics of organisms such as eukaryotic cells or bacteria. [mehr]
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