

In unregelmäßigen Abständen finden am MPQ Seminare statt. Diese werden von den Wissenschaftlern der einzelnen Abteilungen organisiert. Der Veranstaltungsort wird mit dem jeweiligen Seminar bekannt gegeben.
Vortragender: Prof. Howard Wiseman Raum: Hörsaal, Raum B 0.32 / New lecture hall, Room B 0.32 Ort: Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics

Experimental tests of quantum non-locality beyond EPR-steering and beyond Bell (Prof. Howard Wiseman)

Experimental tests of quantum non-locality beyond EPR-steering and beyond Bell
In this talk I will present an unpublished theory and experiment for two quantum nonlocality scenarios which generalise EPR-steering and Bell, respectively. in the sense of having weaker assumptions and thus more stringent experimental conditions. The first is to allow a finite amount of FTL communication of classical information in an EPR-steering scenario. The second relates to the recent theorem of Bruckner using "Wigner friends" in place of the determinism assumption in some formulations of Bell's theorem. [mehr]
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