

In unregelmäßigen Abständen finden am MPQ Seminare statt. Diese werden von den Wissenschaftlern der einzelnen Abteilungen organisiert. Der Veranstaltungsort wird mit dem jeweiligen Seminar bekannt gegeben.
Raum: Herbert-Walther-Hörsaal Gastgeber: MPQ, Theory Division

Subradiant States of a 1D Qubit Chain

Subradiant States of a 1D Qubit Chain
Subradiant States of a 1D Qubit Chain [mehr]
Trapping ultracold atoms in optical lattices enabled numerous breakthroughs uniting several disciplines. Although light is a key ingredient in such systems, its quantum properties are typically neglected, reducing its role to a classical tool for atom manipulation. [mehr]
I will discuss two research lines I'm developing. [mehr]
If a polarization excess is injected in many-spin quantum system which is initially in a high-temperature equilibrium, then this “excitation” would spread all over as consequence of spin-spin interactions. [mehr]
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