

In unregelmäßigen Abständen finden am MPQ Seminare statt. Diese werden von den Wissenschaftlern der einzelnen Abteilungen organisiert. Der Veranstaltungsort wird mit dem jeweiligen Seminar bekannt gegeben.
Gastgeber: MPQ, Laser Spectroscopy Division

Integrated nonlinear optics and Inverse-designed multimode photonics

In this talk, we will discuss new opportunities involving chip-scale nonlinear optics along with inverse-designed photonic circuits for multi-dimensional information processing. As a specific example, I will introduce recent experiments where we demonstrate natively error-free terabit/s data transmission using integrated frequency combs and multimode silicon photonics. [mehr]

Special Seminar: Absolute Measurement of a THz Transition Frequency Referenced to a Magnetic Dipolar Transition in Ca+ ion

Special Seminar: Absolute Measurement of a THz Transition Frequency Referenced to a Magnetic Dipolar Transition in Ca+ ion
A three-photon Coherent Population Trapping is observed by the dark line it induces on the laser induced fluorescence of a laser-cooled Ca+ ion cloud. This dark line is referenced to a magnetic dipolar transition at 1.8 THz, between two fine-structure sub-state of a metastable state. We explore the performance of such a system for frequency metrology in the THz domain. [mehr]

The Optical Society (OSA)

OSA presents its actions and programs for the “optics and photonics” community: students, faculty and industry from all over the world. Benefits will be shown for those relating with OSA at various levels, including the journal publishing program, including reviewer policies and rewarding. On demand, a more in depth description of student chapters will be given, its setup, the benefits (not only to students) and how to maintain and develop it. Everybody is welcome (OSA members and non-members). [mehr]
In order to increase the electron energy gain by the laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA), three ways are known. The first way is to multi-stage the LWFA beyond the dephasing length. The second method is to decrease the plasma density so that the dephasing length is increased. [mehr]
In this talk, I will discuss our progress in the development of a two-photon laser-cooling scheme for hydrogen.  [mehr]
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