Behnam Abbasvand Jahedi
Electrical Engineer
  • +49 89 3 29 05 -607
B 1.34
Manoram Agarwal
Doctoral candidate
  • +49 89 3 29 05 -751
G 2.25
Mojtaba Aghakasiri
Master Student
  • +49 89 289 - 54048
W 008 (CW1)
Dr. Tatiana Amotchkina
  • +49 89 289 - 14088
233 / LMU, Am Coulombwall 1
Dr. Boris Bergues
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 788
B 1.44
Johannes Blöchl
Master Student
  • +49 89 3 29 05 -326
B 1.45
Nicole Buchwiser
Assistant, contact welcome office
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 600
G 1.20
Amaj Chamankar
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 251
B 1.34
Umai Chibbaro Leiva
  • +49 89 3 29 05 -638
C 1.29
Shikhar Dash
Master Student
  • +49 89 3 29 05 -521
B 1.29
Marco Dassie
Doctoral candidate
  • +49 89 32905-329
B 1.33
Moritz Dorband
Graduate assistant
  • +49 89 32905-197
C 1.24 (Office) // B 0.34 (Lab)
Tarek Eissa
LMU - W 131
Dr. Ernst Fill
  • +49 89 289 - 54055 // -14069
W 127 // 209 / LMU, Am Coulombwall 1
Susanna Fischerauer
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 638
C 1.29
Dr. Frank Fleischmann
Visiting Scientist
  • +49 89 289 -54056
W129 / LMU, Am Coulombwall 1
Klaus Franke
  • +49 89 289 - 14013
222 / LMU, Am Coulombwall 1
Lorenzo Gatto
  • +49 89 289-54090
W 131 (LMU, Am Coulombwall 1)
Daniel Gerz
Doctoral candidate
  • +49 89 289 - 54058 (LMU)
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 146 (MPQ)
W131 (LMU) // B 1.30.1 (MPQ)
Keyhan Golyari
  • +49 89 32905 527
B 1.29
Ruth Elisabeth Göttler
Assistant, contact welcome office
  • +49 89 3 29 05 -612
G 1.20
Harald Haas
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 796 // -722
B 1.32
Lina Hedewig
Master Student
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 564
B 1.30.1 (Office) // F 0.1 // F 0.2 // F 0.3 (Lab) // F1.1 (Lab) // F 1.2 (Lab)
Amelie Heinzerling
Doctoral candidate
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 718
G 2.25
Hojjat Heydarian
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 251
B 1.34
Michael Heynck
Master Student
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 751
G 2.25
Peter Hilz
Doctoral candidate
  • +49 89 289 - 14042
121 / LMU, Am Coulombwall 1
Christina Hofer
Doctoral candidate
  • +49 89 289 - 54010 // -53308 (LMU)
  • +49 89 3 29 05 -766 (MPQ)
W008 (LMU) // LEX (LMU) // F1.1 (MPQ)
Maximilian Högner
Doctoral candidate
  • +49 89 289 - 14101
220 / LMU, Am Coulombwall 1
Philip Jacob
Doctoral candidate
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 526
  • +49 89 289 14110 (office) LMU
  • +49 89 289 53308 (lab) LMU
B 1.30.1 // W137 LMU
Prof. Dr. Stefan Karsch
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 322 // -722
B 1.44
Hadil Kassab
  • +49 89 289 53280 (LMU)
217 (LMU)
Tobias Kleinhenz
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 198
B 1.32
Prof. Dr. Matthias Kling
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 234 // -747
C 1.24
Dr. Dmitrii Kormin
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 731 (Office) // - 747 (Lab)
G 2.21 (Office) // B 1.36 (Lab)
Prof. Dr. Ferenc Krausz
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 602
G 1.21
Andreas Küchler
  • +49 89 32905-745
Dr. Nathalie Lenke
  • +49 89 289 -53280
217 (LMU) // U110 (LEX)
Dr. Sanchi Maithani
  • +49 89 289 - 54048
W 008 (CW1)
Dr. Kiran Sankar Maiti
  • +49 89 289 - 14112
202 / LMU, Am Coulombwall 1
Dr. Ka Fai Mak
  • +49 89 3 29 05 -613
C 1.26
Ancyline Maliakkal
Doctoral candidate
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 323
B 1.45
Dr. Mikhail Mamaikin
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 540
B 1.33
B.Sc. Daniel Meyer
  • +49 89 289 - 54056
Diplomgeograf Thorsten Naeser
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 124
C 1.27
Dr. Thomas Nubbemeyer
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 521
B 1.29
Dr. Daiki Okazaki
Visiting Scientist
  • +49 89 289 - 54011
W143 / LMU, Am Coulombwall 1
Dr. Ioachim Pupeza
  • +49 89 289 - 14637 (LMU)
  • +49 89 289 - 14069 (LMU)
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 557 (MPQ)
W139 (LMU, Am Coulombwall) // B 1.46 (MPQ)
Muhammad Qasim
Doctoral candidate
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 636
G 2.23
Simon Reiger
  • +49 89 32905 789
Enrico Ridente
Doctoral candidate
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 624
B 1.33
Kerstin Schmidt-Buchmann
Assistant to the Director
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 679
C 1.28
Caspar Schmitt
Temporary help MPQ student lab
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 197
B0. 34
Johannes Schötz
Doctoral candidate
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 684
B 1.24
Prof. Dr. Jörg Schreiber
Group Leader
  • +49 89 289 – 54025
  • +49 89 3 29 05 – 585
135 / LMU, Am Coulombwall 1
Dr. Hartmut Schröder
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 512
Dr. Wolfgang Schweinberger
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 751 // -721
G 2.25
Aleksandar Sebesta
Laser engineer
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 601 (MPQ)
  • +49 89 289 - 54011(LMU)
B 1.30.1 (MPQ) // W 009 (LMU)
M.Sc. Maximilian Seeger
Doctoral candidate
  • +49 89 32905 328
B 1.45
Arber Selimi
Master Student
  • +49 89 32905-659
B 1.29
Matthias Stadter
Mechanical Engineer
  • +49 89 289 54039 (LMU)
Raum 220 (LMU) // R U110 (LEX)
Dr. Silke Stähler-Schöpf
Group Leader
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 197
B 0.34
Dr. Philipp Steinleitner
  • +49 89 289 - 54088 (LMU)
220 (LMU)
Selina Süzeroglu
Master Student
B 1.30
Nicole Thorisch
Master Student
  • +49 89 32905-562
B 1.30
Dr. Michael Trubetskov
  • +49 89 289 - 14088
233 / LMU, Am Coulombwall 1
Dr. Pragya Verma
  • +49 89 289 - 54012
W 009 (LMU)
Dr. Zilong Wang
B 1.24
Dr. Alexander Weigel
  • +49 89 32905 565
B 1.30.1
Dr.-Ing. Johannes Wulz
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 198
B 1.32
apl. Prof. Dr. Vladislav Yakovlev
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 733
G 2.23
Dr. Veit Ziegelmaier
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 794
C 1.29
Dr. Mihaela Zigman
  • +49 89 3 29 05 - 354
C 1.28
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