Independent Research Groups

Dr Philipp PreissAtomic Quantum Matter
The group Atomic Quantum Matter pursues the experimental application of quantum information concepts to ultracold atomic systems. We use the tools of quantum gas microscopy, including optical tweezers, lattices, and single-particle resolved imaging, to realize many-body systems with single-particle control. Our experiments provide the experimental testbed for new ideas emerging at the interface between condensed matter physics and quantum information science. more
Dr Johannes ZeiherQuantum Matter Interfaces
The independent research group Quantum Matter Interfaces aims to study the connection of assembled arrays of laser-cooled atoms to novel interfaces with optical photons. Therefore, we combine atomic Rydberg arrays in optical tweezers with optical resonators. Next to the realization of measurement-based controlled feedback on quantum systems – the basis of quantum error correction – our aim is also to study novel interactions and the generation of entanglement in quantum many-body systems. more
Prof Dr Andreas ReisererOtto Hahn Group Quantum Networks
A future quantum network will consist of quantum processors that are connected by quantum channels, just like conventional computers are wired up to form the Internet. In contrast to classical devices, however, the information that can be encoded in a quantum network grows exponentially with the number of nodes, and entanglement of remote particles gives rise to non-local correlations.
Prof Dr Richard SchmidtTheory of Quantum Matter
The research focus of the group “Theory of Quantum Matter” lies at the intersection of theoretical solid state and atomic physics. We are particularly interested in systems that feature a strong interplay of few- and many-body physics with the aim to understand its significance for the dynamics, spectroscopic and transport properties of quantum matter realized in ultracold atomic gases and semiconducting materials.
Prof Dr Thomas UdemFoundations of Quantum Physics
Often discrepancies between theory and experiment led to advancements in physics. This is also how quantum electrodynamics, or QED in short, emerged. Today, it is the most precise theory in physics and served as a blueprint for all subsequent field theories. However, as is known from cosmological observations, unknown physics beyond the so-called standard model must exist. It probably lies hidden where no one has been looking, e.g. at very high energies or extreme precision. more
Dr Xinyu LuoUltracold lithium-rubidium molecules
The ultracold lithium-rubidium project will explore the rich phase diagram of a degenerate Fermi gas of polar molecules near a field-linked scattering resonance, including the long-sought dipolar p-wave superfluid of fermionic diatomic molecules, the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of tetermer molecules, and the crossover/transition in between. more
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