News from the Institute

Here we cover all sorts of events and news from the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics

First Quantum Talents Symposium in Munich

The Quantum Talents Symposium Munich is a joint initiative of the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ), the Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST), the International Max Planck Research School for Quantum Science and Technology (IMPRS-QST) and the Munich Quantum Valley (MQV). Its main goals are to provide a platform for emerging early-career researchers, facilitate knowledge sharing, inspire collaboration, and promote career opportunities in quantum science. more

<span><span><span><span>ERC Starting Grant for Max Planck Research Group Leader Jad C. Halimeh</span></span></span></span>

The theoretical physicist, who is currently being hosted by the MPQ Theory Division, has won a 2024 Starting Grant from the European Research Council. The ERC Starting Grant is the highest award for excellent young scientists in Europe. With this funding, Jad C. Halimeh and his group intend to advance current concepts of quantum simulation, particularly for higher-dimensional gauge theories and their far-from-equilibrium quantum many-body dynamics. more

The new Quantum Fridays at our MPQ PhotonLab

Attention quantum friends! As part of the new communication and education project Quanten(t)räume of the Deutsches Museum and other institutions in Munich, the MPQ school laboratory PhotonLab is now for the first time offering visits to anyone aged 14 and interested in quantum physics. More than 20 different experimental stations are waiting to help grasp the basics of quantum physics and to learn how these phenomena shape our technologies today and in the future. On Friday per month, starting October. more

<span><span><span><span><span>Timon Hilker answers call to the University of Strathclyde</span></span></span></span></span>

As a Reader, he will continue his successful research on quantum simulations of complex materials in Glasgow. Reader is the third of four academic ranks in the UK system and comparable to a W2 professorship. It involves teaching physics and working as an independent researcher. At MPQ, Timon Hilker has been heading the Lithium Quantum Gas Microscope laboratory at MPQ since 2010, and together with Philipp Preiss, the FermiQP project. more

<span><span><span>Nobel Nobel - highest scientific honour in a pair</span></span></span>

Usually rather rare, but for MPQ since last autumn the status quo: two Nobel Prizes in less than twenty years – in the comparatively short institute history of only 45 years. Not many research institutions this size around the globe can say the same. That’s why two of these special emblems from now on will shine proudly on the driveway to the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics – signs of scientific success that speak for themselves. more

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