News from the Institute

Here we cover all sorts of events and news from the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics

ALICE IM QUANTENLAND: Episode 3 is now online!

After the successful live premiere weekend on June 29 and 30, 2024 at the “Münchner Wissenschaftstage / forscha” and the “Festival der Zukunft” at the Deutsches Museum, the third episode of the German language radio play “Alice im Quantenland” is now available to listen to on all popular streaming portals. This time, Alice, Schrödinger and Rabbit go to the quantum fair, where there are once again some unusual things to discover and experience. more

<span><span><span><span>Andreas Gritsch wins the Nano Innovation Award 2024</span></span></span></span>

The LMU Center for NanoScience and four LMU spin-off companies present the Nano Innovation Award for particularly innovative doctoral theses. Andreas Gritsch, who completed his doctorate in the Otto Hahn Group Quantum Networks at MPQ, won second place. The physicist built a novel platform for quantum networks that has significant potential for the development of scalable quantum network nodes. more

<span><span><span><span><span><span>Adam Kaufman joins MPQ for a research stay via the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award</span></span></span></span></span></span>

The prestigious research award enables internationally recognised researchers from abroad to undertake guest stays at German scientific institutions. Adam Kaufman began his visit on 14 July and will collaborate with W2 research group leader Monika Aidelsburger and MPQ Director Immanuel Bloch. more

A „Quantum“ Insight

Quantum physics today is to be found in almost every corner of our everyday lives. But how well is it understood in society? The new special exhibition ‘Light and Matter’ at the Deutsches Museum starting today illuminates quantum optical phenomena and turns them into tangible matter. With numerous objects, scenoramas and many hands-on stations, the exhibition shows how the understanding of the light matter interaction has evolved over the last century, and offers an insight into current research and future applications. more

<span><span><span><span><span>Nathalie Picqué wins the William F. Meggers Award</span></span></span></span></span>

The experimental physicist receives the distinction for her pioneering work in molecular spectroscopy with interfering frequency combs. Named in honour of the eponymous scientist’s contributions to spectroscopy and metrology, the William F. Meggers Award was established in 1970 by Optica. Nathalie Picqué was presented with the award on 7 May 2024 at the CLEO Conference in Charlotte (NC), USA. more

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