
Journal Article (1166)

Journal Article
Eissa , T.; Voronina, L.; Huber, M.; Fleischmann, F.; Zigman, M.: The Perils of Molecular Interpretations from Vibrational Spectra of Complex Samples. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 63, e202411596 (2024)
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Eissa , T.; Huber, M.; Obermayer-Pietsch, B.; Linkohr, B.; Peters , A.; Fleischmann, F.; Zigman, M.: CODI: Enhancing machine learning-based molecular profiling through contextual out-of-distribution integration. PNAS Nexus 3, pgae449 (2024)
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Hussain, S. A.; Hofer, C.; Högner, M.; Schweinberger, W.; Buberl, T.; Bausch , D.; Huber, M.; Krausz, F.; Pupeza, I.: Sub-attosecond-precision optical-waveform stability measurements using electro-optic sampling. Scientific Reports 14, 20869 (2024)
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Dagar , R.; Zhang , W.; Rosenberger , P.; Linker, T. M.; Sousa-Castillo, A.; Neuhaus, M.; Mitra, S.; Biswas, S.; Feinberg, A.; Summers, A. M. et al.; Nakano, A.; Vashishta, P.; Shimojo, F.; Wu, J.; Vera, C. C.; Maier, S. A.; Cortes, E.; Bergues, B.; Kling, M. F.: Tracking surface charge dynamics on single nanoparticles. Science Advances 10, eadp1890 (2024)
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Krausz, F.: Nobel Lecture: Sub-atomic motions. Reviews of Modern Physics 96, 030502 (2024)
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Eissa , T.; Leonardo , C.; Kepesidis , K. V.; Fleischmann , F.; Linkohr, B.; Meyer, D.; Zoka, V.; Huber, M.; Voronina, L.; Richter, L. et al.; Peters, A.; Zigman, M.: Plasma infrared fingerprinting with machine learning enables single-measurement multi-phenotype health screening. Cell Reports Medicine 5, 101625 (2024)
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Huber, M.; Trubetskov, M. K.; Schweinberger, W.; Jacob , P.; Zigman, M.; Krausz, F.; Pupeza, I.: Standardized Electric-Field-Resolved Molecular Fingerprinting. Analytical Chemistry 96, pp. 13110 - 13119 (2024)
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Döpp, A.: Snapshot imaging of ultrashort electron bunches. Light: Science & Applications 13, 137 (2024)
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Roy, S.; Maiti, K. S.: Baseline correction for the infrared spectra of exhaled breath. Spectrochimica Acta, Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 318, 124473 (2024)
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Weigel, A.; Jacob , P.; Schweinberger, W.; Huber, M.; Trubetskov, M. K.; Karandusovsky, P.; Hofer, C.; Buberl, T.; Amotchkina, T. V.; Högner, M. et al.; Hahner, D.; Sulzer, P.; Leitenstorfer, A.; Pervak, V.; Krausz, F.; Pupeza, I.: Dual-oscillator infrared electro-optic sampling with attosecond precision. Optica 11, pp. 726 - 735 (2024)
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Mitra, S.; Jimenez-Galan, A.; Aulich, M.; Neuhaus, M.; Silva, R. E. F.; Pervak, V.; Kling, M. F.; Biswas, S.: Light-wave-controlled Haldane model in monolayer hexagonal boron nitride. Nature 628, pp. 752 - 757 (2024)
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Maiti, K. S.; Fill, E. E.; Strittmatter , F.; Volz, Y.; Sroka, R.; Apolonskiy, A.: Standard operating procedure to reveal prostate cancer specific volatile organic molecules by infrared spectroscopy. Spectrochimica Acta, Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 304, 123266 (2024)
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Feddahi, N.; Hartmann, L.; Felderhoff-Mueser, U.; Roy, S.; Lampe, R.; Maiti, K. S.: Neonatal Exhaled Breath Sampling for Infrared Spectroscopy: Biomarker Analysis. ACS Omega 2024, 4c02635 (2024)
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Mamaikin, M.; Ridente, E.; Krausz, F.; Karpowicz, N.: Spatiotemporal electric-field characterization of synthesized light transients. Optica 11, pp. 88 - 93 (2024)
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Mitra, S.; Schötz, J.; Zhang, C.; Ko, D. h.; Chang, Z.; Corkum, P. b.; Staudte, A.; Kling, M. F.: Propagation effects in polarization-gated attosecond soft-X-ray pulse generation. Optics Express 32, pp. 1151 - 1160 (2024)
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Voronina, L.; Fleischmann , F.; Simunovic, J.; Ludwig, C.; Novokmet, M.; Zigman, M.: Probing Blood Plasma Protein Glycosylation with Infrared Spectroscopy. Analytical Chemistry 96, pp. 2830 - 2839 (2024)
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