Transport signatures of long-range nuclear-spin coherence in a quantum-dot spin valve (Prof. S. Chesi)
- Datum: 02.06.2015
- Uhrzeit: 11:30 - 14:00
- Vortragende(r): Professor Dr. Stefano Chesi, Beijing Computational Science Research Center, Beijing, China
- Raum: Seminar room Theory Division - B 2.46
- Gastgeber: MPQ, Theory Division
Flip-flop processes between electron and nuclear spins in the quantum
dot are allowed by the hyperfine interaction. Long-range nuclear-spin
coherence can induce a strong enhancement of such spin-flip transition
rates, by an amount proportional to the number of nuclear spins. Under a
finite voltage bias, the enhancement is revealed by an intense current
burst analogous to superradiant light emission. Instead, fast local
dephasing for the nuclear spins leads to an incoherent evolution
analogous to spontaneous emission. Through a combination of simple rate
equations and a more general master equation we have characterized these
two regimes and the crossover between them. We also discuss our ongoing
work about related schemes, but with unpolarized contacts. We generally
assume uniform hyperfine couplings, which yield the strongest coherent
enhancement. We propose realistic strategies, based on isotopic
modulation and wavefunction engineering in core-shell nanowires, to
realize this analytically solvable “box-model" of hyperfine couplings.