“Ultracold RbCs molecules in magic traps and optical tweezers” (Prof. Simon Cornish)
- Datum: 01.02.2024
- Uhrzeit: 17:00
- Vortragende(r): Prof. Simon Cornish
- Department of Physics, Durham University, UK
- Ort: Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics
- Raum: Herbert Walther Lecture Hall
In Durham, we study ultracold ground-state RbCs molecules formed by associating Rb and Cs atoms using a combination of magnetoassociation and stimulated Raman adiabatic passage [1]. This talk will report our work on the development of full quantum control of the molecules. Specifically, I will explain how we have mastered the ac Stark shift due to the trapping light [2] to demonstrate robust storage qubits in the molecule [3] and will describe the development of magic traps [4] that support second-scale rotational coherences giving access to controllable dipole-dipole interactions [5]. I will also report on new experiments that produce single molecules in optical tweezers starting from a single Rb and a single Cs atom [6]. Using this platform, we prepare the molecules in the motional ground state of the trap and can perform addressing and detection of single molecules [7]. Finally, we demonstrate a new hybrid platform that combines single ultracold molecules with single Rydberg atoms [8], opening a myriad of possibilities.
P.K.Molony et al., “Creation of Ultracold RbCs Molecules in the Rovibrational Ground State”,
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P.D.Gregory et al., “ac Stark effect in ultracold polar RbCs molecules”,
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P.D.Gregory et al., “Second-scale rotational coherence and dipolar interactions in a gas of ultracold polar Molecules” arXiv:2306.02991
R.V.Brooks et al., “Preparation of one Rb and one Cs atom in a single optical tweezer”,
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D.K.Ruttley, A.Guttridge et al., “Formation of ultracold molecules by merging optical tweezers”,
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A.Guttridge, D.K.Ruttley et al., “Observation of Rydberg blockade due to the charge-dipole interaction between an atom and a polar molecule”,
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