Gedruckte Zeitschriften im MPQ
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Z
Accounts of Chemical Research
Washington, DC (US): American Chemical Society
Printed issues: Vol. 9 (1976) - Vol. 39 (2006)
Advanced Materials
Weinheim: Wiley-VCH
Printed issues: Vol. 16 (2004) - Vol. 30 (2019)
AIAA Journal
New York , NY (US): American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Vol. 4 (1966) - Vol. 13 (1975)
Angewandte Chemie
Weinheim: Wiley-VCH
Printed issues: Vol. 91 (1979) - Vol. 122 (2010) (teilweise lückenhaft)
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry
Palo Alto California: Annual Reviews
Printed issues: Vol. 13 (1962) - Vol. 27 (1976)
Applied Optics
Washington: Optical Societyof America
Printed issues: Vol. 1 (1962) - Vol. 17 (1978) - Vol. 58 (2019)
Applied Physics. A: Materials Science and Processing
supersedes in part Applied Physics (1975-1981)
from Vol. 27.1981 - 91.2008 titled: Applied Physics. A: Solids and Surfaces
Berlin: Springer
Printed issues: Vol. 27 (1982) - Vol. 91 (2008)
Applied Physics. B: Lasers and Optics
supersedes in part Applied Physics (1975-1981)
from Vol. 26.1981 - 113.2013 titled: Applied Physics. B: Photophysics and Laser Chemistry
Berlin: Springer
Printed issues: Vol. 27 (1982) - Vol. 113 (2013)
Applied Physics Letters
American Institute of Physics, Woodbury, NY (US)
Printed isssues: Vol. 16 (1970) - 106.2015
Applied Surface Science
Amsterdam: North-Holland
Printed issues: Vol. 55 (1992) - Vol. 153 (2000)
Bauelemente der Elektrotechnik
Printed issues: Vol. 6 (1971) - Vol. 9 ((1974)
Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie
An International Journal of Physical Chemistry
superseded by PCCP (merger of Ber. Bunsenges. + Faraday Transactions)
Weinheim: VCH-Verlag
Printed issues: Vol. 79 (1975) - Vol. 102 (1998)
Berkeley Newsletter.
Analysis of Molecular Spectra
Printed issues: No. 167 (1987) - No. 271(2004)
Berlin: Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut
Printed issues: aktuelle Ausgaben
Bild der Wissenschaft
Konradin Medien GmbH
Printed issues: Heft 1 - 6, 9 - 12 (1966)
Bulletin of Georgian National Academy of Sciences
Tbilisi: Georgian National Academy of Sciences
Printed issues: Vol. 5 (2011) - Vol 7 (2013)
Canadian Journal of Physics
NRC Research Press
Printed issues: Vol. 48 (1970) - Vol. 75 (1997)
C'T Magazin für Computertechnik
Hannover: Heise
Printed issues: 1/2017 - up to date
Chemical Physics
Amsterdam: North-Holland
Printed issues: Vol. 1 (1973) - Vol.295 (2003)
Chemical Physics Letters
Amsterdam: North-Holland
Printed issues: Vol. 4(1969/70) - Vol. 501(2010)
Chemie in unserer Zeit
Weinheim: Wiley - VCH
Printed issues: 2005 - 2008; 2012 - 2014; Unregelmäßiger Bestand bis 2019
Chinese Physics Lasers
Printed issues: Vol. 10 (1983) - Vol. 15 (1988)
Contributions to Plasma Physics
Berlin: Akademie Verlag
Printed issues: Vol. 33 (1993) - Vol. 36 (1996)
Weinheim: Wiley - VCH
Printed issues: Vol.1 (1995) - Vol. 11 (2005)
DUZ unabhängige deutsche Universitätszeitung
Stuttgart: Raabe
Printed issues: 47.1991 – 77.2021
The European Physical Journal D
a merger of Il Nuovo Cimento D, Journal de Physique and Zeitschrift für Physik D
EDP Sciences/ Società Italiana di Fisica/ Springer
Printed issues: Vol. 1 (1998) - Vol. 68 (2014)
epl: a letters journal exploring the frontiers of physics
bis 2006 unter dem Titel "Europhysics Letters"
supersedes: Lettere al nuovo cimento/ Journal de Physique Lettres
Petit-Lancy (CH): European Physical Society
Printed issues: Vol. 1 (1986) - Vol. 108 (2014)
Ideen des exakten Wissens
superseded by :Exakt
Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt
1971 - 1973
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics
New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Printed issues: Vol. 12 (1976) – 50 (2014)
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics
New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Printed issues: Vol. 1 (1995) - Vol. 12 (2006)
International Journal of Quantum Information
Singapore: World Scientific
Printed issues: Vol. 2 (2004) - Vol. 19 (2021)
JETP Letters
Pis'ma v Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki
American Institute of Physics, New York, NY (US)
Printed issues: Vol. 23 (1976) - Vol. 78 (2003)
Journal of Chemical Physics
New York: American Institute of Physics
Printed issues: Vol. 32 (1960) - Vol. 139 (2013)
Journal of Computational Chemistry
New York: Wiley
Printed issues: Vol. 1 (1980) - Vol. 25/3 (2004)
Journal of Current Laser Abstracts
Westford: Laser Focus World Publ./ Pennwell
Printed issues: Vol. 9 (1972) - 36 (1999) (teilweise lückenhaft)
Journal of Modern Optics
supersedes: Optica Acta
London: Taylor and Francis
Printed issues: Vol. 38 (1991) - Vol. 61 (2014)
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics
merger of Journal of Optics (1970-1998) and Pure and Applied Optics: Journal of the
European Optical Society Part A (1992-1998)
Bristol: Institute of Physics (IOP)
Printed issues: Vol. 1 (1999) - Vol. 13 (2011)
Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics
supersedes: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society Part B
Bristol: Institute of Physics (IOP)
Printed issues: Vol. 1 (1999) - Vol. 7 (2005)
discontinued; merger with J. Phys. B
Journal of Physical Chemistry A
Washington: American Chemical Society
Printed issues: Vol. 101 (1997) - 114 (2010)
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Washington: American Chemical Society
Printed issues: Vol. 101 (1997) - 114 (2010)
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Washington: American Chemical Society
Printed issues: Vol. 111 (2007) - 114 (2010)
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
supersedes: Proceedings of the Physical Society. Series 2
Bristol: Institute of Physics (IOP)
Printed issues: Vol. 21 (1988) - Vol. 47 (2014)
Journal of Plasma Physics
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Printed issues: Vol. 1 (1967) - Vol. 3 (1969)
Journal of Russian Laser Research
supersedes: Journal of Soviet Laser Research
Kluwer Academic/ New York: Consultants Bureau
Printed issues: Vol. 1 (1980) - Vol.24 (2003)
Journal of the Optical Society of America. B: Optical Physics
supersedes: Journal of the Optical Society of America
Washington: Optical Society of America
Printed issues: Vol. 1 (1984) - Vol. 37 (2020)
Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology
Amsterdam:IOS Press
Printed issue: Vol. 1 (1989) - Vol. 28 (2020)
Laser and Particle Beams
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Printed issues: Vol. 1 (1983) - Vol. 31 (2013)
Laser Chemistry A Multinational Journal
Chur: Harwood Academic Publ.
Printed issues: Vol. 1 (1982/83) - Vol. 18 (1998)
Laser Focus World
Laser Journal
Printed issues: Vol. 8 (1981) - Vol. 9 (1982)
Laser Physics
International Journal of Journal of Scientific Information
Moskau: MAIK/Nauka, Birmingham: Interperiodika
Printed issues: Vol. 3 (1993) - Vol. 24 (2014)
Laser Physics Letters
New York: Wiley
Printed issues: Vol. 2 (2005) - Vol. 11 (2014)
Light: Science & Applications Chinesische Akademie für Wissenschaft(UK; China) Printed issues: from Vol. 3 (2014)
Max Planck Forschung
Printed issues: 2000 - present
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V., München
Printed issues: Vol. 1 (1999) - present
Max Planck Research
Printed issues: 2000 - present
Bristol: IOP
Printed issues: Vol. 42 (2005) - Vol. 48 (2011)
Microwave Journal
Printed issues: Vol. 3 (1960) - Vol. 7 (1964)
Molecular Physics
London: Taylor and Francis
Printed issues: Vol. 1 (1958) - Vol. 107 (2009)
London: Nature Publishing Group
Printed issues: Vol. 379 (1996) - present
Nature Photonics
London: Nature Publishing Group
Printed issues: Vol. 1 (2007) - present
Nature Physics
London: Nature Publishing Group
Printed issues: Vol. 2 (2006) - present
Nuclear fusion
Printed issues: Vol. 1 (1960) - Vol. 47 (2007)
Optical Materials
Amsterdam: North-Holland
Printed issues: Vol. 1 (1992) - 24, H.1-2(2003)
Optics Communications
Amsterdam: North-Holland
Printed issues: Vol. 16 (1976) - Vol. 336 (2015)
Optics Letters
Washington: Optical Society of America
Printed issues: Vol. 1 (1977) - Vol. 45 (2020)
Physical Review. A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
supersedes Physical Review. A: General Physics
New York: American Physical Society
Printed issues: Vol. 17 (1978) - Vol.68 (2003)
PROLA: Vol. 1 (1970) - Vol. 64 (2001)
Physical Review. B: Condensed Matter
supersedes Physical Review. B: Solid State
New York: American Physical Society
Printed issues:Vol. 45 (1992) - Vol.68 (2003)
PROLA: Vol. 1 (1970) - Vol. 64 (2001)
Physical Review. E: Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics
New York: American Physical Society
Printed issues: Vol. 47 (1993) - Vol.68 (2003)
PROLA: Vol. 47 (1993) - Vol. 64(2001)
Physical Review Letters
New York: American Physical Society
Printed issues: Vol. 24 (1970) - Vol. 91 (2003)
PROLA: Vol. 1 (1958) - Vol. 87 (2001)
Physics Letters. A
Amsterdam: North-Holland
Printed issues: Vol. 32 (1970) - Vol. 46 (1973) and Vol. 128 (1988) - Vol. 378 (2014)
Physics Letters . B
Amsterdam: North-Holland)
Printed issues: Vol. 32 (1970) - Vol. 48 (1974)
Physics Letters. C
see Physics Reports.
printed issues: Vol. 1 (1971) - Vol. 11 (1974)
Physics of Fluids
superseded by Physics of Fluids. A.B.
New York: American Institute of Physics
Printed issues: Vol. 1 (1958) - Vol. 31 (1988)
Physics of Fluids. A: Fluid Dynamics
from Vol. 1 (1989) - Vol. 5 (1993) titled: Physics of Fluids. A: Fluid Dynamics
New York: American Institute of Physics
Printed issues: Vol. 1 (1989) - Vol. 15 (2003)
Physics of Fluids. B: Plasma Physics
superseded by Physics of Plasmas
New York: American Institute of Physics
Printed issues: Vol. 1 (1989) - Vol. 5 (1993)
Physics of Plasmas
supersedes Physics of Fluids. B: Plasma Physics
New York: American Institute of Physics
Printed issues: Vol. 1 (1994) - Vol. 20 (2013)
Physics Reports
A Review Section of Physics Letters
Amsterdam: North-Holland
Printed issue: Vol. 1 (1971) - 11 (1974)
Physics Today
New York: American Institute of Physics
Printed issues: Vol. 29 (1976) - present
Physikalische Blätter
superseded by Physik Journal
Weinheim: Physik-Verlag
Printed issues: Vol. 31 (1975) - 57 (2001)
Physik in unserer Zeit
Weinheim: VCH-Verlag
Printed issues: Vol. 1 (1970) - present
Physik Journal
supersedes Physikalische Blätter
Weinheim: VCH-Verlag
Printed issues: Vol. 36 (1980) – present
Plasma Physics
superseded by Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
from Vol. 1 (1960) - Vol. 8 (1966) titled: Plasma Physics, Accelerators,
Thermonuclear Research = Journal of Nuclear Energy. Part C
Oxford: Pergamon Press
Printed issues: Vol. 9 (1967) - Vol. 22 (1980)
Proceedings IEEE
New York: IEEE
Printed issues: Vol. 65 (1977) - Vol. 93 (2005) (teilweise lückenhaft)
Progress in Quantum Electronics
Oxford: Pergamon
Printed issues: Vol. 15 (1991) - Vol. 56 (2017)
Quantum Information and Computation
Paramus: Rinton Press
Printed issues: Vol. 2 (2002) - present
Quantum Information Processing
Kluwer, Dordrecht
Printed issues: Vol. 2 (2003) - 19 (2020)
Radiological Physics and Technology
Berlin: Springer
Printed issues: Vol. 2 (2009) - Vol. 7 (2014)
Romanian Reports in Physics
Bucharest: Publishing House of the Romanian Academy
Printed issues: Vol. 52 (2000) - Vol. 58 (2006) (teilweise lückenhaft)
Washington: American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Printed issues: Vol. 167 (1970) - Vol. 170 (1970); Vol. 241 (1988) - Vol. 256 (1992); Vol. 259 (1993); Vol. 262 (1993) - present (teilweise lückenhaft)
Scientific American
New York: Scientific American
Printed issues: Vol. 234 (1976) - Vol. 319 (2018)
Spektrum der Wissenschaft
Heidelberg: Spektrum der Wissenschaft
Printed issues: No. 6 (2008) - present
Stiftung Warentest
Printed issues: No. 11 (1994) - No. 12 (2012), No.8 (2015) - present
Surface Science
including Surface Science Letters
Amsterdam: North-Holland
Printed issues: Vol. 193 (1988) - Vol. 204 (1988); Vol. 209 (1989);
Vol. 210 (1989) (Heft 2 fehlt); Vol. 258 (1991) - Vol. 445 (2000)
Surface Science Reports
Amsterdam: North-Holland
Printed issues: Vol. 15 (1992) - Vol. 37 (1999/2000)
Verhandlungen der DPG
Weinheim : Physik-Verl.
Printed issues: teilweise; bis Vol. 84 (2020)
Wärme und Stoffübertragung
Berlin: Springer
Printed issues: Vol. 5 (1972) - Vol. 9 (1976)
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Physik
Printed issues: Vol. 17 (1964) - Vol. 32 (1971)
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. A: Physical Sciences
Tübingen: Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung
Printed issues: Vol. 43 (1988) - Vol. 58 (2003)
Zeitschrift für Physik. D: Atoms, Molecules and Clusters
Berlin: Springer
Printed issues: Vol. 1 (1986) - Vol. 42 (1997)
continued as The European Physical Journal D