
We acknowledge funding from the following projects:

FOR5688: Driven-dissipative many-body systems of ultracold atoms
This Research Unit is dedicated towards developing a better understanding of driven-dissipative quantum many-body systems with the goal of using dissipation as a novel tool for engineering complex low-entropy many-body states. more
FOR5522: Quantum thermalization, localization, and constrained dynamics with interacting ultracold atoms
This Research Unit investigates out-of-equilibrium physics of closed quantum many-body systems and their thermalization properties using ultracold atoms in optical lattices in combination with new theoretical approaches. more
PASQuanS2.1: Programmable atomic large-scale quantum simulation
Funding program for the development of programmable quantum simulators. Regarding the development of optical-lattice quantum simulators, the goal is to increase the programmabiliy, stability and size of current experimental platforms more
DYNAMITE: Next Generation Quantum Simulators: From Dynamical Gauge Fields to Lattice Gauge Theory
Quantum Simulators can address and deepen our understanding of complex quantum many-body systems with applications ranging from condensed matter physics to nuclear physics, high energy physics and material science. more
Munich Quantum Valley: Trapped Atom Quantum Computer (TAQC)
Quantum gates can be realized by coupling to highly excited Rydberg states, whose strong, long-range interactions allow for entangling two or more atoms in the system. more
MCQST: Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology
The cluster of excellence MCQST comprises seven research units within disciplines such as physics, mathematics, computer science, electrical engineering, material science, and chemistry, covering all areas of Quantum Science and Technology (QST) from basic research to applications. more
FermiQP: Joint Project on Fermion Quantum Processors
This project aims at realizing a new and scalable hybrid platform for analogue quantum simulation and digital quantum computing with ultracold fermion, thus combining the advantages of both concepts in one machine. more
LaGaTYb: Exploring lattice gauge theories with fermionic Ytterbium atoms
Gauge theories establish a connection between seemingly different physical areas, ranging from high-energy to condensed matter physics. more
FOR2414: Artificial Gauge Fields and Interacting Topological Phases in Ultracold Atoms
Gauge fields can dramatically change the properties of a material. A seminal example is the one of electrons subjected to an external magnetic field, leading to the quantum Hall effect. more


We further acknowledge funding from:

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