We are an experimental group. We build quantum computing and quantum simulation platforms made of cold neutral atoms that are trapped in optical arrays, i.e., optical lattices, tweezer arrays and combinations of the two. We are generally interested in using these platforms in order to study exotic quantum many-body systems, e.g., in the context of topology or lattice gauge theries.
We are developing a novel experimental platform for quantum simulation with ultracold fermionic Yb atoms. Our main goal is to realize novel techniques for local control in optical lattices by combining optical lattices with optical tweezer arrays.
Quantum Gas Microscope with bosonic Caesium atoms to study topological many-body phases of matter and out-of-equilibrium dynamics of strongly-interacting quantum systems. Moreover, we have developed techniques to measure local kinetic operators to go beyond simple occupation measurements.
Our experimental setup consists of a 39K BEC in an optical honeycomb lattice. The lattice is formed by three propagating, s-polarized, blue-detuned laser beams at a wavelength of 745nm, which interfere in the xy-plane at relative angles of 120°.
Neutral-atom arrays have gained increasing importance in the development of quantum computing architectures. In particular, Alkaline-earth(-like) atoms, such as Yb, offer unique opportunities for high-fidelity detection via shelving, trapping of Rydberg states and high-fidelity single-photon Rydberg excitations.
We launch a new project in March 2024, where we aim to combine neutral atom quantum technologies with high precision spectroscopy to study fundamental physics.