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- Acin, A.; Vidal, G.; Cirac, J.I.:
On the structure of a reversible entanglement generating set for tripartite states
Quantum Inform. Compu. 3 (1), 55-63 (2003) - Agarwal, G.S.; Scully, M.O.:
Magneto-optical spectroscopy with entangled photons
Optics Letters 28 (6), 462-464 (2003) - Agarwal, G.S.; Pathak, P.K.; Scully, M.O.
Single-atom and two-atom Ramsey interferometry with quantized fields
Phys. Rev. A 67 (4), 043807 (2003) - Allen, M.; Sentoku, Y.; Audebert, P.; Blazevic, A.; Cowan, T.; Fuchs, J.; Gauthier, J.C.; Geissel, M.; Hegelich, M.; Karsch, S.; Morse, E.; Patel, P.K.; Roth, M.: :
Proton spectra from ultraintense laser-plasma interaction with thin foils: Experiments, theory, and simulation
Phys. Plasmas 10 (8) , 3283-3289 (2003) - Andiel, U.; Eidmann, K.; Pisani, F.; Witte, K.; Uschmann, I.; Wehrhan, O.; Förster, E.:
Conical x-ray crystal spectrometer for time integrated and time resolved measurements
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 74 (4), 2369-2374 (2003) - Baltuska, A.; Udem, Th.; Uiberacker, M.; Hentschel, M.; Goulielmakis, E.; Gohle, Ch.; Holzwarth, R.; Yakovlev, V. S.; Scrinzi, A.; Hänsch, T. W.; Krausz, F.:
Attosecond control of electronic processes by intense light fields
Nature 421 (6923), 611 - 615 (2003) - Bastin, T.; Solano, E.:
Population trapping in the one-photon mazer
Opt. Commun. 217 (1-6), 239-247 (2003) - Behrens, R.; Schwoerer, H.; Düsterer, S.; Ambrosi, P.; Pretzler, G.; Karsch, S.; Sauerbrey, R.:
A thermoluminescence detector-based few-channel spectrometer for simultaneous detection of electrons and photons from relativistic laser-produced plasmas
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 74 (2), 961-968 (2003) - Beige, A.:
Dissipation-assisted quantum gates with cold trapped ions
Phys. Rev. A 67, 020301 (2003) - Berthold, W.; Rebentrost, F.; Feulner, P.; Höfer, U.; :
Influence of Ar, Kr, and Xe layers on the energies and lifetimes of image-potential states on Cu(100)
Appl. Phys. A 78 (2) , 131-140 (2003) - Bloch, I.; Greiner, M.; Mandel, O.; Hänsch, T.W.:
Coherent cold collisions with neutral atoms in optical lattices
Philosoph. Trans. Roy. Soc. A 361 (1808), 1409-1416 (2003) - Boucher, M.; Huot, O.; Knowles, P.E.; Ludhova, L.; Mulhause, F.; Schaller, L.A.; Conde, C.A.N.; Dos Santos, J.M.F.; Fernandes, L.M.P.; Veloso, J.F.C.A.; Kottmann, F.; Antognini, A.; Pohl, R.; Taqque, D.:
Large area APDs for low energy X-ray detection in intense magnetic fields
Nucl. Instrum. Phys. Res. 505 (1-2), 136-139 (2003) - Bourennane, M.; Eibl, M.; Gaertner, S.; Kiesel, N.; Kurtsiefer, C.; Zukowski, M.; Weinfurter, H.:
Multiphoton entanglement and interferometry
Fortschr. Phys. 51 (4-5), 273-279 (2003) - Braig, C.; Zarda, P.; Kurtsiefer, C.; Weinfurter, H.:
Experimental demonstration of complementarity with single photons
Appl. Phys. B 76 (2), 113-116 (2003) - Brandl, F.; Pretzler, G.; Habs, D.; Fill, E.:
Cerenkov radiation diagnostics of hot electrons generated by fs-laser interaction with solid targets
Europhys. Lett. 61 (5), 632-638 (2003) - Brattke, S.; Guthöhrlein, G.R.; Keller, M.; Lange, W.; Varcoe, B.; Walther, H.:
Generation and Investigation of Number States of the Radiation Field
Laser Phys. 13 (3), 368-374 (2003) - Brattke, S.; Guthöhrlein, G.R.; Keller, M.; Lange, W.; Varcoe, B.; Walther, H.:
Generation of photon number states on demand
J. Modern Opt. 50 (6-7), 1103-1113 (2003) - Casagrande, F.; Ferraro, A.; Lulli, A.; Bonifacio, R.; Solano, E.; Walther, H.:
How to Measure the Phase Diffusion Dynamics in the Micromaser
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (18), 183601 (2003) - Casagrande, F.; Ferraro, A.; Lulli, A.; Bonifacio, R.; Solano, E.; Walther, H.; :
Micromaser spectrum and phase diffusion dynamics
J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 5 (4) , S459-S466 (2003) - Charalambidis, D.; Papadogiannis, N.A.; Goulielmakis, E.; Nersysian, G.; Tsakiris, G.D.; Witte, K.:
A transmission grating interferometer for the temporal characterization of harmonics
J. Modern Opt. 50 (3/4), 387-400 (2003) - Charalambidis, D.; Papadogiannis, N.A.; Tzallas, P.; Tsakiris, G.D.; Witte, K.; Blagoev, K.:
Recent developments in attosecond pulse train metrology
Phys. Scripa T 105, 23-26 (2003) - Cirac, J.I.; Zoller, P.:
How to Manipulate Cold Atoms
Science 301 (5630), 176-177 (2003) - Crenshaw, M.E.; Bowden, C.M.; Scully, M.O.; :
Index enhancement and absorption compensation via quantum coherence control in multicomponent media
J. Modern Opt.50 (15-17), 2551-2563 (2003) - Cubitt, T.S.; Verstraete, F.; Dür, W.; Cirac, J.I.:
Separable States Can Be Used To Distribute Entanglement
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (3), 037902 (2003) - Dyer, G.; Sheppherd, R.; Kuba, J.; Fill, E.; Wootton, A.; Patel, P.; Price, D.; Ditmire, T.; :
Isochoric heating of solid aluminium with picosecond X-ray pulses
J. Modern Opt. 50 (15-17) , S. 2495-2505 (2003) - Eibl, M.; Gaertner, S.; Bourennane, M.; Kurtsiefer, C.; Zukowski, M.; Weinfurter, H.:
Experimental Observation of Four-Photon Entanglement from Parametric Down-Conversion
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 200403 (2003) - Eichenseer, M.; Nevsky, A. Yu.; Schwedes, Ch.; von Zanthier, J.; Walther, H.:
Towards an indium single-ion optical frequency standard
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 36, 553-559 (2003) - Eidmann, K.; Andiel, U.; Pisani, F.; Hakel, P.; Mancini, R.C.; Junkel-Vives, G.C.; Abdallah, J.; Witte, K.:
K-shell spectra from hot dense aluminum layers buried in carbon and heated by ultrashort laser pulses
J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 81 (1-4) , 133-146 (2003) - Englert, B.-G.; Lougovski, P.; Solano, E.; Walther, H.:
One-Atom Maser: Nonseparable Atom Pairs
Laser Phys. 13 (3), 355-358 (2003) - Eremina, E.; Liu, X; Rottke, H.; Sandner, W.; Dreischuh, A.; Lindner, F.; Grasbon, F.; Paulus, G.G.; Walther, H.; Moshammer, R.; Feuerstein, B.; Ullrich, J.:
Laser-induced non-sequential double ionization investigated at and below the threshold for electron impact ionization
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 36 , 3269-3280 (2003) - Eusepi, F.; Tomsic, A.; Gebhardt, C.R.; :
Analysis of Solution-Deposited Alkali Ions by Cluster Surface Collisions
Anal. Chem. 75 (19) , 5124 -5128 (2003) - Fernandes, L. M. P.; Antognini, A.; Boucher, M.; Conde, C. A. N.; Huot, O.; Knowles, P.; Kottmann, F.; Ludhova, L.; Mulhauser, F.; Pohl, R.; Schaller, L. A.; dos Santos, J. M. F.; Taqqu, D.; Veloso, J. F. C. A.:
Behaviour of large-area avalanche photodiodes under intense magnetic fields for VUV- visible- and X-ray photon detection
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A 498(1-3), 362-368. (2003) - Figl, C.; Grosser, J.; Hoffmann, O.; Rebentrost, F.; :
Differential scattering study of asymptotically forbidden optical transitions in CaAr collisions
Chem. Phys. Lett. 380 (1-2) , S. 196-200 (2003) - Fulling, S.A.; Englert, B.-G.; Pilloff, M.D.:
Interacting Bosons at Finite Temperature: How Bogolubov Visited a Black Hole and Came Home Again
Found. Phys. 33 (1), 87-110 (2003) - Gaertner, S.; Bourennane, M.; Eibl, M.; Kurtsiefer, C.; Weinfurter, H.:
High-fidelity source of four-photon entanglement
Appl. Phys. B 77, 803-807 (2003) - García-Ripoll, J.J.; Cirac, J.I.:
Quantum Computation with Unknown Parameters
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (12), 127902 (2003) - García-Ripoll, J.J.; Cirac, J.I.:
Spin dynamics for bosons in an optical lattice
New Journal of Physics 5, 76.1-76.13 (2003) - García-Ripoll, J.J.; Cirac, J.I.:
Quantum computation with cold bosonic atoms in an optical lattice
Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. A 361 (1808), 1537-1548 (2003) - García-Ripoll, J.J.; Zoller, P.; Cirac, J.I.; :
Speed Optimized Two-Qubit Gates with Laser Coherent Control Techniques for Ion Trap Quantum Computing
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (15) , 157901 (2003) - Gebhardt, C.R.; Witte, T.; Kompa, K.L.:
Direct Observation of Charge-Transfer Reactions in Nanoscopic Test Tubes: Self-Ionization in HNO3 Clusters
Chemphyschem 4 (3), 308 - S312 (2003) - Geppert, D.; Hofmann, A.; de Vivie-Riedle, R.:
Control of a collision complex via a conical intersection
J. Chem. Phys. 119 (12) , 5901-5906 (2003) - Giedke, G.; Eisert, J.; Cirac, J.I.; Plenio, M.B.:
Entanglement transformations of pure Gaussian states
Quantum Information and Computation 3 (3), 211-223 (2003) - Giedke, G.; Wolf, M.M.; Krüger, O.; Werner, R.F.; Cirac, J.I.; :
Entanglement of Formation for Symmetric Gaussian States
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 , 107901 (2003) - Grasbon, F.; Paulus, G.G.; Walther, H.; Villoresi, P.; Sansone, G.; Stagira, S.; Nisoli, M.; De Silvestri, S.; :
Above-Threshold Ionization at the Few-Cycle Limit
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (17) , 173003 (2003) - Greiner, M.; Mandel, O.; Rom, T.; Altmeyer, A.; Widera, A.; Hänsch, T.W.; Bloch, I.:
Quantum phase transition from a superfluid to a Mott insulator in an ultracold gas of atoms
Physica B 329-333, 11-12 (2003) - Hennrich, M.; Legero, T.; Kuhn, A.; Rempe, G.:
Counter-intuitive vacuum-stimulated Raman scattering
J. Modern Opt. 50 (6-7), 935-942 (2003) - Jané, E.; Vidal, G.; Dür, W.; Zoller, P.; Cirac, J.I.:
Simulation of quantum dynamics with quantum optical systems
Quantum Inform. Compu. 3 (1), 15-37 (2003) - Jiang, Jie; Hasama, Toshifumi:
Synchronously pumped femtosecond optical parametric oscillator based on an improved pumping concept
Opt. Commun. 220 (1-3), 193-202 (2003) - Joachain, C.J.; Kylstra, N.J.; :
Relativistic Effects in Laser-Atom Interactions
Physica Scripta 68 (3), C72-C75 (2003) - Kapale, K. T.; Scully, M. O.; Zhu, Shi-Yao; Zubairy, M. S.:
Quenching of spontaneous emission through interference of incoherent pump processes
Phys. Rev. A 67, 023804 (2003) - Karle, R.; Pachos, J.:
Geometrical phases for the G(4,2) Grassmannian manifold
J. Math. Phys. 44 (6), 2463-2470 (2003) - Karsch, S.; Düsterer, S.; Schwoerer, H.; Ewald, F.; Habs, D.; Hegelich, M.; Pretzler, G.; Pukhov, A.; Witte, K.; Sauerbrey, R.:
High-intensity Laser Induced Ion Acceleration from Heavy-Water Droplets
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (1), 015001 (2003) - Karshenboim S.G.; Ivanov, V.G.:
The g factor of the proton
Phys. Lett. B 566, 27-34 (2003) - Keller, M.; Lange, B.; Hayasaka, K.; Lange, W.; Walther, H.:
Deterministic cavity quantum electrodynamics with trapped ions
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 36, 613-622 (2003) - Keller, M.; Lange, B.; Hayasaka, K.; Lange, W.; Walther, H.:
Deterministic coupling of single ions to an optical cavity
Appl Phys B 76 (2), 125-128 (2003) - Kemp, A. J.; Basko, M. M.; Meyer-ter-Vehn, J.:
Implosion and ignition of magnetized cylindrical targets driven by heavy-ion beams
Nucl. Fusion 43, 16-24 (2003) - Kiesel, N.; Bourennane, M.; Kurtsiefer, C.; Weinfurter, H.; Kaszlikowski, D.; Laskowski, W.; Zukowski, M.:
Three-photon W-state
J. Modern Opt. 50 (8-7), 1131-1138 (2003) - Kraus, B.; Hammerer, K.; Giedke, G.; Cirac, J.I.:
Entanglement generation and Hamiltonian simulation in continuous-variable systems
Phys. Rev. A 67 (4), 042314 (2003) - Kraus, B.; Giedke, G.; Lewenstein, M.; Cirac, J.I.:
Entanglement properties of Gaussian states
Fortschr. Phys. 51 (4-5), 305-312 (2003) - Kuba, J.; Wootton, A.; Bionta, R.M.; Shepherd, R.; Fill, E.E.; Ditmire, T.; Dyer, G.; London, R.A.; Shlyaptsev, V.N.; Dunn, J.; Booth, R.; Bajt, S.; Smith, R.F.; Feit, M.D.; Levesque, R.; McKernan, M.:
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Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. A 507 (1-2) , 475-478 (2003) - Kuhn, A.; Hennrich, M.; Rempe, G.:
Kuhn, Hennrich, and Rempe Reply:
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (24) , 249802 (2003) - Köhl, M.; Hänsch, T.W.; Esslinger, T.:
Line width of an atom laser
Appl. Phys. B 76 (2), 109-112 (2003) - Lan, K.; Fill, E.E.; Meyer-ter-Vehn, J.; :
Simulation of He-alpha and Ly-alpha soft X-ray lasers in helium pumped by DESY/XFEL-radiation
Europhys. Lett. 64 (4) , 454-460 (2003) - Lindner, F.; Stremme, W.; Schätzel, M.G.; Grasbon, F.; Paulus, G.G.; Walther, H.; Hartmann, R.; Strüder L.:
High-order harmonic generation at a repetition rate of 100 kHz
Phys. Rev. A 68 (1), 013814 (2003) - Long, R.; Steinmetz, T.; Hommelhoff, P.; Hänsel, W.; Hänsch, T.W.; Reichel, J.:
Magnetic microchip traps and single-atom detection
Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc A 361 (1808), 1375-1389 (2003) - Lougovski, P.; Solano, E.; Zhang, Z.M.; Walther, H.; Mack, H.; Schleich, W.P.:
Fresnel Representation of the Wigner Function: An Operational Approach
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (1), 010401 (2003) - Mandel, O.; Greiner, M.; Widera, A.; Rom, T.; Hänsch, T.W.; Bloch, I.:
Coherent Transport of Neutral Atoms in Spin-Dependent Optical Lattice Potentials
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (1), 010407 (2003) - Mandel, O.; Greiner, M.; Widera, A.; Rom, T.,; Hänsch, T.W.; Bloch, I.; :
Controlled collisions for multi-particle entanglement of optically trapped atoms
Nature 425 (6961) , 937-940 (2003) - Marr, C.; Beige, A.; Rempe, G.; :
Entangled-state preparation via dissipation-assisted adiabatic passages
Phys. Rev. A 68 (3) , 033817 (2003) - Maunz, P.; Puppe, T.; Fischer, T.; Pinkse, P. W. H.; Rempe, G.:
Emission pattern of an atomic dipole in a high-finesse optical cavity
Opt. Lett. 28 (1), 46-48 (2003) - Micheli, A.; Jaksch, D.; Cirac, J.I.; Zoller, P.:
Many-particle entanglement in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates
Phys. Rev. A 67 (1), 013607 (2003) - Milosevic, D.B.; Paulus, G.G.; Becker, W.:
Above-Threshold Ionization with Few-Cycle Laser Pulses and the Relevance of the Absolute Phase
Laser Phys. 13 (7), 948-958 (2003) - Neronov, Y.I.; Karshenboim, S.G.; :
NMR spectroscopy of hydrogen deuteride and magnetic moments of deuteron and triton
Phys. Lett. A 318 (1-2) , 126-132 (2003) - Pachos, J.; Solano, E.:
Generation and degree of entanglement in a relativistic formulation
Quantum Inform. Compu. 3 (2), 115-120 (2003) - Papadogiannis, N.A.; Nikolopoulos, L.A.A.; Charalambidis, D.; Tsakiris, G.D.; Tzallas, P.; Witte, K.:
Two-Photon Ionization of He through a Superposition of Higher Harmonics
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (13), 133902 (2003) - Papadogiannis, N.A.; Nikolopoulos, L.A.A.; Charalambidis, D.; Tsakiris, G.D.; Tzallas, P.; Witte, K.:
On the feasibility of performing non-linear autocorrelation with attosecond pulse trains
Appl. Phys. B 76 (7), 721 - 727 (2003) - Paredes, B.; Cirac, J.I.:
From Cooper Pairs to Luttinger Liquids with Bosonic Atoms in Optical Lattices
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (15), 150402 (2003) - Paredes, B.; Zoller, P.; Cirac, J.I.:
Fractional quantum Hall regime of a gas of ultracold atoms
Solid State Commun. 127 (1-2), 155-162 (2003) - Paulus, G.G.; Grasbon, F.; Walther, H.:
Interference effects in above-threshold ionization
J. Modern Opt. 50 (3/4), 343-352 (2003) - Pavicic, D.; Kiess, A.; Hänsch, T.W.; Figger, H.; :
Clearly Structured fragment kinetic energy spectra discovered in the Coulomb explosion of H2+ and D2+
Europ. Phys. J. D 26 (1) , 39-41 (2003) - Pretzler, G.; Brandl, F.; Stein, J.; Fill, E.; Kuba, J.:
High-intensity regime of x-ray generation from relativistic laser plasmas
Appl. Phys. Lett. 82 (21), 3623-3625 (2003) - Rabl, P.; Daley, A.J.; Fedichev, P.O.; Cirac, J.I.; Zoller, P.; :
Defect-Suppressed Atomic Crystals in an Optical Lattice
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (11) , 110403 (2003) - Rangwala, S.A.; Junglen, T.; Rieger, T.; Pinkse, P.W.H.; Rempe, G.:
Continuous source of translationally cold dipolar molecules
Phys. Rev. A 67 (4), 043406 (2003) - Rostovtsev, Y.; Trendafilov, S.; Artemiev, A.; Kapale, K.; Kurizki, G.; Scully, M.O.:
Numerical Experiments on Free-Electron Lasers Without Inversion
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (21), 214802 (2003) - Rostovtsev, Y.V.; Sariyianni, Z.E.; Scully, M.O.:
Extracting Energy from a Single Heat Bath via Vanishing Quantum Coherence: III. Master Equation Derivation
Laser Phys. 13 (3), 375-385 (2003) - Rostovtsev, Y.V.; Matsko, A.B.; Nayak, N.; Zubairy, M.S.; Scully, M.O.:
Improving engine efficiency by extracting laser energy from hot exhaust gas
Phys. Rev. A 67 (5), 053811 (2003) - Sarkisyan, D.; Becker, T.; Papoyan, A.; Thoumany, P.; Walther, H.:
Sub-Doppler fluorescence on the atomic D2 line of a submicron rubidium-vapor layer
Apppl. Phys. B 76 (6), 625-631 (2003)) - Schopper, R.; Ruhl, H.; Kunzl, T.A.; Lesch, H.:
Kinetic simulation of the coherent radio emission from pulsars
Laser Part. Beams 21 (1), 109-113 (2003) - Schuch, N.; Siewert, J.:
Programmable Networks for Quantum Algorithms"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (2), 027902 (2003) - Schulz, O.; Steinhübl, R.; Weber, M.; Englert, B.-G.; Kurtsiefer, C.; Weinfurter, H.:
Ascertaining the Values of sigmax, sigmay, and sigmaz of a Polarization Qubit
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (17), 177901 (2003) - Schwedes, Ch.; Peik, E.; von Zanthier, J.; Nevsky, A.Y.; Walther, H.:
Narrow-bandwidth diode-laser-based blue and ultraviolet light source
Appl Phys B 76 (2), 43-147 (2003) - Schön, C.; Cirac, J.I.:
Trapping atoms in the vacuum field of a cavity
Phys. Rev. A 67 (4), 043813 (2003) - Schön, C.; Cirac, J.I.; :
Trapping atoms in the vacuum field of a cavity
Phys. Rev. A 67 (4) , 043813 (2003) - Scully, M. O.; Zubairy, M. S.; Agarwal, G. S.; Walther, H.:
Extracting Work from a Single Heat Bath via Vanishing Quantum Coherence
Science 299 (5608), 862-864 (2003) - Scully, M.O.; Zhu, Shi-Yao; Zubairy, M.S.:
Manipulation of spontaneous emission by 2pi pulses
Chaos Soliton Fractals 16 (3), 403-408 (2003) - Seres, J.; Müller, A.; Seres, E.; O'Keeffe, K.; Lenner, M.; Herzog, R.F.; Kaplan, D.; Spielmann, C.; Krausz, F.:
Sub-10-fs, terawatt-scale Ti:sapphire laser system
Opt. Lett. 28 (19) , 1832-1834 (2003) - Solano, E.; Agarwal, G. S.; Walther, H.:
Strong-Driving-Assisted Multipartite Entanglement in Cavity QED
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Generalized Schrödinger Cat States in Cavity QED
Opt. Spectrosc. 94 (5), 805-807 (2003) - Teubner, U.; Pretzler, G.; Schlegel, Th.; Eidmann, K.; Förster, E.; Witte, K.:
Anomalies in high-order harmonic generation at relativistic intensities
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Absorption of local thermodynamic equilibrium aluminum at different densities
J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 81 (1-4), 473-485. (2003) - Tomsic, A.; Andersson, P.U.; Markovic, N.; Pettersson, J.B.C.:
Collision dynamics of large water clusters on graphite
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Impact dynamics of molecular clusters on surfaces: Fragmentation patterns and anisotropic effects
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Free-electron laser without inversion in the high gain regime
J. Modern Opt. 50 (15-17) , 2507-2514 (2003) - Troppmann, U.; Tesch, C.M.; de Vivie-Riedle, R.:
Preparation and addressability of molecular vibrational qubit states in the presence of anharmonic resonance
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Direct observation of attosecond light bunching
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Quantum Nonlocality in the Presence of Superselection Rules and Data Hiding Protocols
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (1), 010404 (2003) - Villoresi, P.; Paulus, G.G.; Grasbon, F.; Walther, H.; Nisoli, M.; Priori, E.; Stagira, S.; Sansone, G.; De Silvestri, S.:
Absolute Phase Phenomena Induced by Few-Cycle Laser Pulses in a Strong-Field Photoionization Experiment
Laser Phys. 13 (7), 943-947 (2003) - Volz, T.; Dürr, S.; Ernst, S.; Marte, A.; Rempe, G.:
Characterization of elastic scattering near a Feshbach resonance in 87Rb
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Generation of photon number states on demand
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Towards laser spectroscopy of antihydrogen
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 36, 649-654 (2003) - Windhorn, L.; Yeston, J.S.; Witte, T.; Fuß, W.; Motzkus, M.; Proch, D.; Kompa, K.-L.; Moore, B.:
Getting ahead of IVR: A demonstration of mid-infrared induced molecular dissociation on a sub-statistical time scale
J. Chem. Phys. 119 (2), 641-645 (2003) - Witte, T.; Hornung, T.; Windhorn, L.; Proch, D.; de Vivie-Riedle, R.; Motzkus, M.; Kompa, K. L.:
Controlling molecular ground-state dissociation by optimizing vibrational ladder climbing
J. Chem. Phys. 118 (5), 2021-2024 (2003) - Witte, T.; Kompa, K.L.; Motzkus, M.:
Femtosecond pulse shaping in the mid infrared by difference-frequency mixing
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Multichannel Carotenoid Deactivation in Photosynthetic Light Harvesting as Identified by an Evolutionary Target Analysis
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Phase-stabilized 4-fs pulses at the full oscillator repetition rate for a photoemission experiment
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A Simple Scheme for Directly Measuring the Wigner Functions of Cavity Fields
Chinese Phys. Lett. 20 (2), 227-229 (2003)Zubairy, M.S.; Kim, M.; Scully, M.O.; :
Cavity-QED-based quantum phase gate
Phys. Rev. A 68 (3) , 033820 (2003)
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