Frustrated extended Bose-Hubbard models
Our study on frustrated extended BHMs, which could be realized in an anti-magic wavelength lattice with Cs atoms was published in PRL!
The study of geometrically frustrated many-body quantum systems is of central importance to uncover novel quantum mechanical effects. We design a scheme where ultracold bosons trapped in a one-dimensional state-dependent optical lattice are modeled by a frustrated Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian. A derivation of the Hamiltonian parameters based on Cesium atoms, further show large tunability of contact and nearest-neighbour interactions. For pure contact repulsion, we discover the presence of two phases peculiar to frustrated quantum magnets: the bond-order-wave insulator with broken inversion symmetry and a chiral superfluid. When the nearest-neighbour repulsion becomes sizeable, a further density-wave insulator with broken translational symmetry can appear. We show that the phase transition between the two spontaneously-symmetry-broken phases is continuous, thus representing a one-dimensional deconfined quantum critical point not captured by the Landau–Ginzburg-Wilson symmetry-breaking paradigm. Our results provide a solid ground to unveil the novel quantum physics induced by the interplay of non-local interactions, geometrical frustration, and quantum fluctuations.
Original publication:
Frustrated Extended Bose-Hubbard Model and Deconfined Quantum Critical Points with Optical Lattices at the Antimagic Wavelength
Niccolò Baldelli, Cesar R. Cabrera, Sergi Julià-Farré, Monika Aidelsburger, and Luca Barbiero
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 153401 (2024)