December 2016: We welcome Dr. Gang Li to the Quantum Dynamics Division! This month, Gang joins the QED team as a visiting scholar on a joint scholarship from the Chinese Scholarship Council and the MPQ.

November 2016: " Thermometry of Guided Molecular Beams from a Cryogenic Buffer-Gas Cell" by X. Wu et al. has been published in the 2016 special issue on cold molecules in ChemPhysChem.
November 2016: Physik in unserer Zeit published an article entitled "Recheneinheit für zwei Photonen" (in German) by Stephan Ritter, Bastian Hacker, Stephan Welte and Gerhard Rempe.
October 2016: The annual group retreat takes place at Schloß Ringberg near Tegernsee in the Bavarian Alps.
August 2016: Andreas Reiserer starts an independent Otto Hahn research group on quantum networks in the quantum dynamics division.
July 2016: Alexander Prehn wins a poster prize at the International Conference on Atomic Physics in Seoul, Korea for his poster on "An ultracold gas of internal-state controlled polyatomic molecules".
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July 2016: Andreas Neuzner was awarded his PhD for his work on "Resonance Fluorescence of an Atom Pair in an Optical Resonator". |

July 2016: " A photon-photon quantum gate based on a single atom in an optical resonator" by B. Hacker, S. Welte et al. has been published in Nature. Full-text access to a view-only version of the paper is available via this link. More information for the general audience can be found in our MPQ press release or in an article on the web page of the Max Planck Society.
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June 2016: Rosa Glöckner was awarded her PhD for her work on "Controlling the rotational states of trapped polyatomic molecules". |
May 2016: We welcome Johannes Siegl to the Quantum Dynamics Division! This month, Johannes is starting as part of the technicians team.
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April 2016: Haytham Chibani was awarded his PhD for his work on "Photon Blockade with Memory and Slow Light using a Single Atom in an Optical Cavity". |

April 2016: " Optical p phase shift created with a single-photon pulse" by D. Tiarks et al. has been published in Science Advances. More information for the general audience can be found in our MPQ press release.
April 2016: We welcome Severin Daiss to the Quantum Dynamics Division! This month, Severin is starting as a PhD student with the QIP team.

March 2016: " An integrated quantum repeater at telecom wavelength with single atoms in optical fiber cavities" by M. Uphoff et al. has been published in Applied Physics B.

February 2016: " Interference and dynamics of light from a distance-controlled atom pair in an optical cavity" by A. Neuzner et al. has been published in Nature Photonics. More information for the general audience can be found in our MPQ press release or in a research news article on the web page of the Max Planck Society.

February 2016: The Young Atom Opticians (YAO) conference, organized by PhD candidates from the Quantum Dynamics Division, takes place on the campus in Garching from 21st to 26th of February.

February 2016: " Optoelectrical Cooling of Polar Molecules to Submillikelvin Temperatures" by A. Prehn et al. has been published in Physical Review Letters. More information for the general audience can be found in our MPQ press release.
January 2016: We welcome Manuel Koller to the Quantum Dynamics Division! This month, Manuel is starting as a PhD student with the molecule team.
January 2016: The Quantum Dynamics Group wishes everyone a happy and successful new year 2016!!
December 2015: " Rotational Cooling of Trapped Polyatomic Molecules" by R. Glöckner et al. has been published in Physical Review Letters.

December 2015: " Cavity-based quantum networks with single atoms and optical photons" by A. Reiserer et al. has been published in Review of Modern Physics.

November 2015: " Breakdown of atomic hyperfine coupling in a deep optical-dipole trap" by A. Neuzner et al. has been published in Physical Review A, and has been highlighted as an Editors' Suggestion.
November 2015: We welcome Stefan Langenfeld to the Quantum Dynamics Division! This month, Stefan is starting as a PhD student with the QIP team.
October 2015: Manuel Brekenfeld wins one of four best poster prizes at the 600. Wilhelm and Else Hereaus-Seminar “Frontiers of Quantum Optics”. He was awarded the honour to present the subject of his poster “Frequency splitting of polarization eigenmodes in fibre-based Fabry-Perot cavities” in a talk of 20 minutes duration and received prize money in the amount of 75 EUR.

October 2015: PhD candidates of the Quantum Dynamics Division organize next year's Young Atom Opticians (YAO) conference. YAO 2016 will be held on the campus in Garching from 21st to 26th of February 2016.
October 2015: The annual group retreat takes place at the Landhotel Moarwirt.
August 2015: Andreas Neuzner wins the best poster award sponsored by Applied Physics B at the NIM Conference on Resonator QED. His contribution on "Quantum dynamics in spatially resolved two-atom cavity QED" was chosen on the basis of scientific content, clarity of presentation and attractiveness of design, and was honored with prize money in the amount of 200 EUR.

August 2015: The NIM Conference on Resonator QED co-organized by Gerhard Rempe takes place from August 3 to August 7 at the Literaturhaus München.
July 2015: Thomas Gantner wins the best poster award sponsored by the European Physical Society at the 47th EGAS Conference in Riga (Latvia). His contribution on "Depletion spectroscopy and internal-state thermometry of buffer-gas-cooled polar molecules" was honoured with prize money in the amount of 250 EUR.
July 2015: We welcome Florian Furchtsam to the Quantum Dynamics Division! This month, Florian is starting as part of the technicians team.
June 2015: Rosa Glöckner wins one of four best poster awards at the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Seminar "Spectroscopy and applications of cold molecular ions" in Bad Honnef. Her contribution on "Rotational cooling of trapped polyatomic molecules" was honoured with prize money in the amount of 75 EUR.

June 2015: " Heralded Storage of a Photonic Quantum Bit in a Single Atom" by N. Kalb et al. has been published in Physical Review Letters. A synopsis entitled "Heralded Qubit Transfer" can be found at "physics.aps.org.

May 2015: " Rotational state detection of electrically trapped polyatomic molecules" by R. Glöckner et al. has been published in New Journal of Physics.
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May 2015: Simon Baur was awarded his PhD for his work on "A Single-Photon Switch and Transistor based on Rydberg Blockade". |
April 2015: We welcome Dominik Niemietz to the Quantum Dynamics Division! This month, Dominik is starting as a PhD student with the QIP team.
March 2015: We welcome Nicolas Tolazzi to the Quantum Dynamics Division! This month, Nicolas is starting as a PhD student with the QED team.

January 2015: " Frequency splitting of polarization eigenmodes in microscopic Fabry–Perot cavities" by M. Uphoff et al. has been published in New Journal of Physics.
January 2015: The Quantum Dynamics Group wishes YOU a great and successful NEW YEAR 2015 !!
December 2014: Former group members Dominik Bauer and Patrizia Krok present their current work at the inaugural meeting of the Charitable Association of Alumni, Friends, Supporters of MPQ.
October 2014: The annual group retreat takes place at Schloß Ringberg near Tegernsee in the Bavarian Alps.
October 2014: We welcome Olivier Morin to the Quantum Dynamics Division! This month, Olivier is starting as a postdoc with the QIP team.
September 2014: Rosa Glöckner wins the best poster award at the Conference on Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions at Monte Verità (Switzerland). Her contribution on "Rotational state manipulation of trapped polyatomic molecules" was honoured with prize money in the amount of 250 CHF.
August 2014: Rosa Glöckner and Thomas Gantner supervise a group of 6 schoolgirls for three days performing a variety of experiments in the context of the bavarian summer program "Mädchen machen Technik".
August 2014: We welcome back Martin Ibrügger to the Quantum Dynamics Division! After completing his diploma thesis in 2013, Martin rejoins the molecule team as a PhD student.

July 2014: " Single-Photon Transistor Using a Förster Resonance" by D. Tiarks et al. has been published in Physical Review Letters. More information for the general audience can be found in the "Viewpoint" article by C. Adams and in our MPQ press release.
June 2014: Manuel Uphoff and Christoph Hamsen win the kicker tournament at the annual MPQ summer barbecue.

April 2014: Carolin Hahn was awarded her PhD for her work on "Remote Entanglement of Two Single Atoms".

April 2014: " A Quantum Gate between a Flying Optical Photon and a Single Trapped Atom" by A. Reiserer et al. has been published in Nature. More information for the general audience can be found in the "News & Views" article by L. Duan, in our MPQ press release or in an article on the web page of the Max Planck Society.
April 2014: We welcome Steffen Schmidt to the Quantum Dynamics Division! Today, Steffen is starting his PhD thesis with the BEC team.

March 2014: Andreas Reiserer was awarded his PhD for his work on "A controlled phase gate between a single atom and an optical photon".

February 2014:Single-Photon Switch Based on Rydberg Blockade by S. Baur et al. has been published in Physical Review Letters. More information for the general audience can be found in our press release.

January 2014: Stephan Dürr was recognized as an Outstanding Referee by the journals of the American Physical Society (APS). Every year, this lifetime award is given to about 150 out of the roughly 60,000 active APS referees.
January 2014:"Antiresonance Phase Shift in Strongly Coupled Cavity QED" by Christian Sames et al. has been published in Physical Review Letters.
January 2014: We welcome Stephan Welte who will reinforce the Qgate Team!

January 2014: " Continuous Centrifuge Decelerator for Polar Molecules" by Sotir Chervenkov et al. has been published in Physical Review Letters. More information for the general audience can be found in our press release.

December 2013: Barbara Englert was awarded her PhD for her work on "Sisyphus Cooling of Polyatomic Molecules".

November 2013: Martin Zeppenfeld was awarded his PhD for his work on "Electric Trapping and Cooling of Polyatomic Molecules".

November 2013: " Nondestructive Detection of an Optical Photon" by Andreas Reiserer et al. has been published in Science Express. We provide here free access to abstract and reprint of the manuscript. More information for the general audience can be found in our press release.
November 2013: We welcome Mahmood Sabooni in our goup! Mahmood did his PhD on quantum memories at Lund University in Sweden and is now working as a post-doc on the Qgate-Experiment.
October 2013: We welcome all new members of our group! Bastian Hacker and Josef Schupp are both joining the Qgate-Experiment for a PhD and a Master thesis, respectively. Matthias Körber is reinforcing the Photon Pistol Experiment as a PhD candidate, and Markus Krottenmüller will do a Master thesis with the Molecules.
September 2013: For the anual group retreat the whole group went to Burg Abenberg in Middle Franconia about 25 km south-west to Nürnberg.
September 2013: " Coherent Control of Quantum Fluctuations Using Cavity Electromagnetically Induced Transparency" by James A. Souza et al. has been published in Physical Review Letters.
September 2013: At the Conference on Resonator QED in Munich, Andreas Neuzner received the prize for the best poster presentation. The poster prize was sponsored by "Applied Physics B" and included a trophy money of 300 EUR. Gladly, Andi invested parts of it in a barrel of beer that he shared with the whole group!
August 2013: We are looking forward to the "Conference on Resonator QED" that is taking place in Munich next months. Covered topics include cavity QED, circuit QED, micro-cavities, cavity optomechanics, QIP, hybrid systems as well as QED without cavities. With more than 50 talks, about 60 posters, a public evening lecture held by Serge Haroche and a panel discussion on "Research and Innovation", the conference programme is very rich. More than 140 international guests are expected! The conference is organized in the framework of the CCQED network.

July 2013: Christian Nölleke was awarded his PhD for his work on "Quantum state transfer between remote single atoms".
June 2013:"Generation of single photons from an atom-cavity system" by Martin Mücke et al. has been published in Physical Review A.
May 2013:"Ground-State Cooling of a Single Atom at the Center of an Optical Cavity" by Andreas Reiserer et al. has been published in Physical Review Letters. The work was highlighted in a "Synopsis - still life with atom" on the journal's webpage.
April 2013: Martin Ibrügger wins best poster award at the YAO 2013 conference in Birmingham, England.

April 2013:"Efficient Teleportation Between Remote Single-Atom Quantum Memories" by Christian Nölleke et al. has been published in Physical Review Letters.
December 2012:"Coherent Logic Gate for Light Pulses Based on Storage in a Bose-Einstein Condensate" by Christoph Vo et al. has been published in Physical Review Letters. The work was highlighted by a Physics Synopsis: "Logic with Light and Matter" on the journal's webpage.

December 2012:Christoph Vo was awarded his PhD for his work on "Ein kohärentes Logikgatter für Lichtpulse basierend auf atomarer Vierwellenmischung in einem Bose-Einstein-Kondensat".

November 2012:"Sisyphus cooling of electrically trapped polyatomic molecules" by Martin Zeppenfeld et al. has been published in Nature, highlighted by an article in "News & Views" by John F. Barry and David DeMille. More information for the general audience can be found in our press release.
September 2012: For the anual group retreat the whole group went to the Outdoorhotel Jäger-von-Fall at the Sylvensteinsee close to Lenggries.
September 2012: At the NI-Summer-School 2012 in Munich, which was organized within the framework of the CCQED Initial Training Network, one of the best poster prices was awarded to Christian Nölleke for his contribution on "An Elementary Quantum Network of Single Atoms in Optical Cavities". On the same occasion, Christian Nölleke, Christian Sames, and Christoph Hamsen passed the exam for Certified LabVIEW Associate Developpers (CLADs).
July 2012: Martin Zeppenfeld wins one of the best poster awards at the ICAP 2012 in Palaiseau (France). His contribution on "Sisyphus cooling of polyatomic molecules" was honoured with a check of 500 € sponsored by Europhysics Letters.
June 2012: The MPQ Team "Quantensprung" won the dragon boat race on the Olympic Lake which was organized by the TUM Medical Alumni Club. With Gerhard on the drum, the team composed of students, pre- and postdocs mostly from the Quantum Dynamics Group was able to increase their performance throughout the competition and reached the finish line in the final race as first team! As winner of the dragon boat cup, Team "Quantensprung" now has the opportunity to take part in the 8th Oktoberfest-Cup in Munich.

April 2012: " An elementary quantum network of single atoms in optical cavities" by Stephan Ritter et al. has been published in Nature. More information for the general audience can be found in our press release and on the websites of Science, Scientific American and IEEE Spectrum. Spektrum der Wissenschaft and Deutschlandfunk report in German.
March 2012: Manuel Uphoff wins best poster award at the YAO 2012 conference in Krakow, Poland.

December 2011: In its Christmas Issue, Physical Review Letters reports on our work on the "Storage and Adiabatic Cooling of Polar Molecules in a Microstructured Trap" by B. Englert et al.

December 2011: Markus Koch was awarded his PhD for his work on "Classical and Quantum Dynamics of a Strongly Coupled Atom-Cavity System".
September 2011: The whole group went to the Outdoorhotel Jäger von Fall for the annual group retreat.
August 2011: National Instruments (NI) decorates the fast feedback on the motion of a single atom trapped inside an optical cavity, which was realized by our Cavity QED team, with the "Application of the Year 2011", the "Advanced Research Award", and the "FPGA Innovation Award". Christian Sames receives the prizes at the NI-Week in Austin (Texas). More information can be found here.
August 2011: Carolin Hahn wins a poster prize at the Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics on "Quantum Information & Coherence".
August 2011: Nature Photonics reports on our work on remote entanglement and the single-atom quantum memory in their news and views section.
July 2011: Matthias Lettner was awarded his Ph.D for his work on "Ein Bose-Einstein-Kondensat als Quantenspeicher für Zwei-Teilchen-Verschränkung".
July 2011: Physik in unserer Zeit published an article on "Informationsaustausch am Quantenlimit" by Stephan Ritter.
July 2011: "Three-Photon Correlations in a Strongly Driven Atom-Cavity System" by M. Koch et al, published in Physical Review Letters.
June 2011:"Observation of squeezed light from one atom excited with two photons" by A. Ourjoumtsev et al has been published in Nature. See also the News & Views article in Nature. More information for the general audience can be found in our press release and on pro-physik.de.

June 2011: Martin Mücke was awarded his Ph.D for his work on "Elektromagnetisch induzierte Transparenz mit einem einzelnen Atom".
June 2011: Christian Sommer was awarded his Ph.D for his work on "Construction and Operation of a Cryogenic Source for Cold Polar Molecules".
May 2011: Our paper on "Remote Entanglement between a Single Atom and a Bose-Einstein Condensate" was selected for a Synopsis in Physics. More information for the general audience can also be found in our press release.

May 2011:"A single-atom quantum memory" by Holger Specht et al. has been published in Nature. The QGate team has realized the most fundamental implementation of an optical quantum memory: Arbitrary polarization states of light can be mapped into and out of a single atom trapped inside an optical cavity, achieving an average fidelity of 93% and storage times of more than 180µs. More information for the general audience can be found in our press release.

February 2011: In a joint effort, the BEC and Pistol teams have managed to create remote entanglement between a single atom and a Bose-Einstein condensate, situated in two independent labs separated by 13m. The fidelity with a maximally entangled Bell state is 95% and the matter-matter entanglement survives for 100µs. Details can be found in our paper.

Dezember 2010: Holger Specht was awarded his Ph.D for his work on "Einzelatom-Quantenspeicher für Polarisations-Qubits".

November 2010: Alexander Kubanek was awarded his Ph.D for his work on "Two-photon gateway and feedback control of a single atom in a cavity".
October 2010: "Localization of cold atoms in state-dependent optical lattices via a Rabi pulse" by Horstmann et al, published in Physical Review Letters.
October 2010:"Feedback Cooling of a Single Neutral Atom" by Markus Koch et al, published in Physical Review Letters, marked as Editors Suggestion.
September 2010: The whole group went to the Berggasthof Rechtegg for the annual group retreat.
July 2010:"Velocity-selected molecular pulses produced by an electric guide" by Christian Sommer et al, published in Phys. Rev. A.

July 2010: Jörg Bochmann was awarded his Ph.D for his work on "Coherent Dynamics and State Detection of Single Atoms in a cavity".
June 2010:"Cavity-enhanced Rayleigh scattering" by Michael Motsch et al, published in New Journal of Physics.
June 2010: The paper "Electromagnetically induced transparency with single atoms in a cavity" by M. Mücke et al. has now been published in the print version of Nature. Read the related News & Views article "Single-atom transistor for light" by Scott Parkins in the same issue. He says: "A subtle quantum-interference effect has been used to control the optical response of a single atom confined in a cavity. It could offer a means to develop logic gates for an optical quantum computer."
May 2010: The QGate-Team presented their lab to visitors at the "Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft". (click here for a picture)
May 2010:"Lossless State Detection of Single Neutral Atoms " by J. Bochmann et al, published in Physical Review Letters.

May 2010: "Electromagnetically induced transparency with single atoms in a cavity" by M. Mücke et al, published online in Nature. Read the press release. Independent articles appeared in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) (in German), on IEEE spectrum and physicsworld.com (both in English), on spektrumdirekt.de and pro-physik.de (both in German).
April 2010: High school students visited our labs within the "Nanotag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften".
April 2010: " Calculating the fine structure of a Fabry-Perot resonator using spheroidal wave functions" by Martin Zeppenfeld et al, published in Optics Express.
March 2010: Christoph Guhl is awarded his diploma in Physics.

March 2010: MPQ made up of a single atom! The QGate team can position their single atom with micrometer precision inside the cavity. Adding storage times of 70 seconds, fun and creativity, the MPQ logo can be "written" by recording the fluorescence of a single atom. Vertical axis: position of the atom. Horizontal axis: time. (click to enlarge)
February 2010: We welcome Andreas Reiserer in our team. Andreas did his diploma work in the group of Prof. Tobias Brixner (Universität Würzburg) and is now starting his PhD in our group.
February 2010: Matthias Lettner wins the poster prize of the Heraeus Foundation at the 450th WE-Heraeus-Seminar on "Mixed States of Light and Matter".

Dezember 2009: Michael Motsch was awarded his Ph.D for his work on "Cold Guided Beams of Polar Molecules".
Dezember 2009: "Photon-by-photon feedback control of a single-atom trajectory" by Alexander Kubanek et al, published in Nature.Real-time feedback — the use of continuously updated information about a system to control its evolution — has been demonstrated by Alexander Kubanek et al in Nature to control the motion of a single atom in an optical trap. In an impressive extension of this technique to the edge of the quantum realm, the detection of just a few photons is sufficient to keep the atom under control.

November 2009: Dominik Bauer was awarded his Ph.D for his work on "Optical Control of a Magnetic Feshbach Resonance".
October 2009: "Opto-Electrical Cooling of Polar Molecules" by Martin Zeppenfeld et al, published in Physical Review A.
August 2009: We welcome Carolin Hahn in our team. Carolin did her diploma work in the group of Prof. Dieckmann (LMU Munich) and is now starting her PhD in our group.
July 2009: "Solutions to Maxwell's Equations using Spheroidal Coordinates" by Martin Zeppenfeld published in New Journal of Physics.

July 2009: "Phase shaping of single-photon wave packets" by Holger Specht et al. published in Nature Photonics. See also the News and Views article by Sean Barrett in the same issue.
June 2009: "Combination of a magnetic Feshbach resonance and an optical bound-to-bound transition" by Dominik Bauer et al. published in Physical Review A. Selected for the July 2009 issue of Virtual Journal of Atomic Quantum Fluids.
June 2009: Holger Specht wins Outstanding Poster Prize at the Quantum Optics VII conference in Zakopane, Poland.
June 2009: Alexei Ourjoumtsev wins the Outstanding Thesis Prize from the European Physical Society.
May 2009: "Continuous guided beams of slow and internally cold polar molecules" by C. Sommer et al, published in Faraday Discussions.
May 2009: "Collisional effects in the formation of cold guided beams of polar molecules" by Michael Motsch et al. published in New Journal of Physics.

May 2009: "Control of a magnetic Feshbach resonance with laser light" by Dominik Bauer et al. published in Nature Physics.
May 2009: Stephan Dürr receives permanent position at MPQ.
April 2009: Eden Figueroa receives Alexander von Humboldt Foundation research fellowship.
February 2009: "Lieb-Liniger model of a dissipation-induced Tonks-Girardeau gas" by Stephan Dürr et al. published in Physical Review A.
January 2009: "Cold guided beams of water isotopologs" by Michael Motsch et al. published in Physical Review A.