

On an irregular basis various Special Seminars take place at the MPQ. The seminars are organized by scientists of our divisions, administration or staff representatives. The location will be announced with the event.

Special Seminar: "Implications of a matter-antimatter mass asymmetry in Penning-trap experiments" (M.Sc. Ting Cheng)

The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics, being a local, unitary and Lorentz-invariant quantum field theory, remains symmetric under the combined action of Charge, Parity, and Time Reversal (CPT) symmetry. This automatically implies that fundamental properties of particles and antiparticles should be equal in magnitude. While there are numerous experiments testing CPT symmetry, it is not clear how these tests are related with one another, and hence, if there is a reasonable way to compare bounds arising from them. [more]
Development of quantum hardware and software is progressing rapidly. With the availability of first generally-accessible quantum computers, their potential use for applications can increasingly be explored. One prospective field of application is data science in the medical sector, which faces challenges difficult to address with currently available methods. An example is medical imaging, where frequently only limited training data is available – making the use of classical AI methods difficult. However, presently available quantum computers are still limited in the number of qubits, the connectivity and are affected by noise. [more]

From classical to quantum nature of high harmonic generation (Prof. Hamed Merdji)

I will review my recent progresses in high harmonic generation in semiconductors, stepping from its classical nature to the recent evidence of its non-classical properties. [more]
The pseudogap is mysterious metallic state of electrons which appears above the critical temperature of correlated electron superconductors, most prominently in the lightly-hole-doped cuprates. I argue that the pseudogap is best understood as the finite temperature realization of a metallic ground state with a spin liquid character, andpresent a theory using a bi-layer of ancilla qubits. This theory leads to a variational wavefunction for the pseudogap state, to gauge theories for transitions and crossovers out of the pseudogap, and to a unifying perspective on the cuprate phase diagram. [more]

Theory Seminar: Quantifying non-stabilizerness in many-body systems (Dr. Emanuele Tirrito)

Non-stabilizerness - also colloquially referred to as magic - is a resource for advantage in quantum computing and lies in the access to non-Clifford operations. Developing a comprehensive understanding of how non-stabilizerness can be quantified and how it relates to other quantum resources is crucial for studying and characterizing the origin of quantum complexity. In this presentation, I will establish a direct link between non-stabilizerness and entanglement spectrum flatness for a pure quantum state. [more]
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