I will give an introduction to the AdS/CFT correspondence and its generalization for non-experts. [mehr]
We study the ground state properties of the simplest quantum link model undergoing a SU(2) lattice gauge invariance, in one spatial dimension. [mehr]

Understanding Contextuality as a Quantum Computational Resource without Wigner Functions (Dr. J. Bermejo-Vega)

A central question in quantum computation is to identify the resources that are responsible for quantum speed-up. Quantum contextuality has been recently shown to be a resource for quantum computation with magic states for odd-prime dimensional qudits and two-dimensional systems with real wavefunctions. ... [mehr]

Non-symmorphic route to nodal semimetals (Tomas Bzdusek)

Nodal semimetals are materials in which the conduction and the valence bands touch at points or lines in the Brillouin zone. Such nodal band structures manifest themselves in unusual transport phenomena as well as in topologically protected surface states. ... [mehr]

Bipartite charge fluctuations in Z_2 topological insulators and superconductors (Dr. L. Herviou)

Bipartite charge fluctuations (BCF) have been introduced to provide an experimental indication of many-body entanglement. They are a very efficient and useful tool to characterize phase transitions in a large variety of charge-conserving models in one and two dimensions. ... [mehr]

LAP Meeting - "Translational Ultrasmall Particle Imaging Tools for Molecular Cancer Imaging and Treatment"

Advances in nanotechnology have fueled a paradigm shift in targeting and safely delivering peptide/proteins and drugs in conjunction with image-directed approaches. [mehr]

Non-adiabatic effects in laser orientation ad alignment of molecules (Prof. González Férez)

We present a theoretical study of the laser-alignment and mixed-field-orientation experiments of polar molecules. [mehr]

Characterizing many-body states at finite temperature via a Klein twist (Dr. H.-H. Tu)

In this talk, I will describe an ongoing work on how universal data for distinguishing different phases may be extracting from thermal states of quantum many-body systems. [mehr]

Variational Energy Minimization for Continuous Matrix Product States (Dr. M. Ganahl)

The generalization of Matrix Product States (MPS) to continuous systems, as proposed in Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 190405(2010), provides a powerful variational ansatz for the ground state of strongly interacting quantum field theories in one spatial dimension. [mehr]

Nonlinear Optics with Metals (Dr. S. Gennaro)

A recurring theme in optics and photonics is the ability of metal nanostructures to imbue man – made material (so – called metamaterial) with new functions possibly not found in nature. [mehr]

From cold atoms to ultracold molecules: spin‐wave rephasing and ultracold exchange reaction (Dr. Jun Rui)

In this talk, I will introduce the setup that we have built in the past three years to create ultracold 23Na40K molecules from an ultracold atomic mixture gas. [mehr]

Silicon-Based Microresonator Frequency Combs (Prof. A. Gaeta)

Microresonator frequency combs have attracted much recent interest due to their potential to enable time and frequency metrology applications in a highly compact and robust platform. [mehr]

Efficient representation of fully many-body localized systems using tensor networks (Dr. T. Wahl)

Many-body localization (MBL) is currently an intensely studied topic and characterized by the fact that certain strongly disordered systems fail to thermalize. For sufficiently strong disorder in one dimension, all eigenstates of MBL systems fulfill the area law of entanglement. [mehr]

Quantum optics with semiconductor quantum dots (Prof. P. Senellart-Mardon)

Today, optical quantum technologies are limited both by the low efficiency of heralded single-photon sources and by the probabilistic operation of two-photon gates. [mehr]

DMRG with Subspace Expansion on Symmetry-Protected Tensor Networks (C. Hubig)

The Density Matrix Renormalisation Group when applied to matrix-product states is the method of choice for ground-state search on one-dimensional systems and still highly competitive even in unfavourable circumstances, such as critical systems and higher dimensions. [mehr]

Decoding Protocols for Classical Communication on Quantum Channels (M. Rosati)

I discuss the transmission of classical information via quantum carriers with focus on the decoding stage. [mehr]

High-Fidelity Hot Gates for Generic Spin-Resonator Systems (Dr. M. Schütz)

We propose and analyze a high-fidelity hot gate for generic spin-resonator systems which allows for coherent spin-spin coupling, in the presence of a thermally populated resonator mode. [mehr]

Synthetic gauge fields: from topology to the Unruh effect (A. Celi)

The theoretical and experimental progress in quantum simulation with ultracold atoms of the last decay have pushed the realm of simulable models well deep into condensed matter and has started touching high-energy and gravitational physics. [mehr]

Freewheeling across laser’s wonderland: from mid-infrared filaments to neurophotonics (Prof. A. Zheltikov)

With empowering inspiration from multidisciplinary activities of the MPQ/MAP/CALA constellation, this talk will undertake an adventure of a freewheeling tour over wildly different landscapes of laser’s wonderland. [mehr]

Quantum steerability as a nesting problem (Dr. C. Nguyen)

We are to discuss quantum steerability, which was recently discovered as the third type of quantum nonlocality besides quantum nonseparability and Bell nonlocality. [mehr]

Computational power of symmetry-protected topological phases (D. Stephen)

In many-body physics, many essential properties of a quantum state are determined by the phase of matter in which it resides. Recent years have witnessed tremendous progress in the discovery and classification of quantum phases, and it is thus pertinent to ask: what can a phase of matter be used for? [mehr]

A Projector Quantum Monte Carlo Method for non-linear wavefunctions (L. Schwarz)

The projected imaginary time evolution of Full Configuration Inter-action Quantum Monte Carlo (FCIQMC) can be reformulated in terms of a Lagrangian minimization which naturally admits polynomial complex wavefunction parameterizatons, thereby circumventing the exponential scaling of the FCIQMC approach. [mehr]

Potential Energy Surfaces and Berry Phases beyond the Born-Oppenheimer Approximation (Prof. E. Gross)

The starting point of essentially all modern electronic-structure techniques is the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. It not only makes calculations feasible, it also provides us with an intuitive picture of chemical reactions. [mehr]

Non-linear response in extended systems: a real-time approach (Dr. C. Attaccalite)

I will present a new formalism to study linear and non-linear response in extended systems. Our approach is based on real-time solution of an effective Schrödinger equation. [mehr]

Genome editing and the CRISPR/cas revolution (Prof. K. Förstemann)

I will present the origins of the prokaryotic (i.e. bacteria and archaea) CRISPR/cas systems, then describe how one particular variant (Streptococcus pyogenes cas9) has been adapted and optimized for use in eukaryotic cells. [mehr]

First principles modeling of Light-Matter interactions within QED-TDDFT: From Weak to Strong Coupling in QED-Chemistry and Materials (Prof. A. Rubio)

Computer simulations that predict the light-induced change in the physical and chemical properties of complex systems, molecules, nanostructures and solids usually ignore the quantum nature of light. [mehr]

Representations in deep learning and quantum many-body physics (Dr. P. Wittek)

Representation is of central importance in both quantum many-body physics and machine learning. [mehr]

Detection of Zak phases and topological invariants in a chiral quantum walk of twisted photons (Dr. A. Dauphin)

Initially discovered in condensed matter, topological phases have so far been simulated in a variety of synthetic systems (ultracold atoms in optical lattices, photonic bandgap materials, mechanical systems, ...). [mehr]

Tensor Network algorithms to study 1D and 2D quantum matter (A. Kshetrimayum)

Tensor Network (TN) algorithms have become increasingly popular in the study of quantum many-body systems recently. ... [mehr]

Anomalies and entanglement renormalization (Jacob Bridgeman)

We study 't Hooft anomalies of discrete groups in the framework of (1+1)-dimensional multiscale entanglement renormalization ansatz states on the lattice. [mehr]

Doped resonating valence bond states: a quantum information study (Dr. S. Singha)

Resonating valence bond states have played a crucial role in the description of exotic phases in strongly correlated systems, especially in the realm of Mott insulators and the associated highTc superconducting phase transition. [mehr]

Manipulating nuclei with laser light: the quest of Thorium-229 (Prof. T. Schumm)

The radio isotope Thorium-229 is expected to present a remarkably low-energy excited (isomer) state of the nucleus which is expected around 7.8(5) eV. [mehr]

Optical Atomic Clocks: From Laboratory Experiments to International Time Keeping (Dr. H. Margolis)

Optical atomic clocks based on laser-cooled atoms or single trapped ions have made rapid progress over the past few years, with the most advanced now having reached levels of stability and uncertainty that significantly surpass the performance of caesium primary frequency standards. [mehr]

Fundamental Physics with (weird) Magnetic Resonance (Prof. D. Budker)

I will discuss the ongoing experiments (CASPEr and GNOME) searching for ultralight galactic dark matter using magnetic-resonance techniques and a new approach to measuring parity violation in chiral molecular systems. [mehr]
Quantum light-matter interfaces that reversibly map photonic quantum states onto atomic states, are essential components in the quantum engineering toolbox with applications in quantum communication, computing, and quantum-enabled sensing. [mehr]
To thermodynamically address quantum nanoscopic scenarios that involve very small thermal baths and strong system-bath correlation, we suggest a new framework that is based on the principle of passivity. [mehr]

Solving the pentagon equation with trivalent categories (R. Wolf)

Anyons are two-dimensional quasiparticles with exotic statistics that can be used for topological quantum computation. What makes them interesting for this is the concept of fusion and braiding. [mehr]

Non-Standard Bose-Hubbard Model with State-Dependent Tunneling (D. González Cuadra)

Non-standard Bose-Hubbard models are relevant for the study of strongly correlated quantum physics thanks to their rich phase diagram and the possibility to simulate them using ultracold atoms in optical lattices. [mehr]

Subcycle quantum physics (Prof. R. Huber)

Atomically strong light pulses in the terahertz window of the electromagnetic spectrum form a unique toolbox to trace and control electronic and ionic quantum motion faster than a cycle of light. [mehr]

Brillouin-based light storage in a photonic circuit (Dr. B. Stiller)

Brillouin scattering is a fundamental nonlinear opto-acoustic interaction present in optical fibres and other waveguides with important implications in fields ranging from modern telecommunication networks, signal processing and smart optical sensors. [mehr]

Quantum simulating gauge theories with discrete-time quantum walks (Dr. P. Arnault)

Quantum walks (QWs) are models of quantum transport on discrete backgrounds, such as graphs or regular lattices. [mehr]

Symposium: Gender and Physics?

  • 14:45h talk by Prof. T. Brage "What does Gender have to do with Physics?"
  • Datum: 29.09.2017
  • Uhrzeit: 14:00 - 16:30
  • Vortragende(r): Professor Tomas Brage
  • Department of Physics, Director of Education at Undergraduate Programme of Studies within Faculty of Science, Lund University, Sweden
  • Raum: New Lecture Hall, Room B 0.32
  • Gastgeber: MPQ
Agenda: 14:00h: Gender Equality at the MPQ (Frauke Logermann) - 14:15h: Equal Opportunities in the Max Planck Society (Dr. U. Weber) - 14:30h: The GENERA Project (Nicole Oetke) - 14:45h: Prof. T. Brage - 15:45h: Discussion [mehr]

Improved sensitivity to the electron´s electric dipole moment using YbF molecules (Dr. I. Rabey)

It is well known that the electron has a magnetic dipole moment. [mehr]

Nonequilibrium Quantum States from Integrability (L. Piroli)

Integrable systems display exceptional features when brought out of equilibrium. [mehr]

Status and prospects of fiber lasers and amplifiers (Prof. A. Tünnermann)

In the past years rare-earth-doped fiber lasers have emerged as an attractive and power scalable solid-state laser concept due to the outstanding thermo-optical properties of an actively doped fiber. [mehr]

An Einsteinian Analogy Sheds Light on Light (Prof. D. Hofstadter)

Where does deep insight in physics come from? For those who view physics as a highly rational science grounded in strict mathematical deduction, it is tempting to think that great physics comes only from the purest and most precise of reasoning, following ironclad laws of thought that compel the clear mind completely rigidly. [mehr]

Convex Optimization Methods for Image-based 3D Reconstruction (Prof. D. Cremers)

The reconstruction of the 3D world from a moving camera is among the central challenges in computer vision. [mehr]

Optically Trapping and Isolating Ions for Seconds (Prof. T. Schätz)

Isolating ions and atoms from the environment is essential for experiments, especially if we aim to study quantum effects. [mehr]

Magnonic macroscopic quantum states and supercurrents (Prof. B. Hillebrands)

Finding new ways for fast and efficient processing and transfer of data is one the most challenging tasks nowadays. [mehr]

An overview of recent results for the non-equilibrium dynamics of isolated 1D models (Prof. P. Calabrese)

Since the early days of quantum mechanics, understanding how statistical ensembles arise from the unitary time evolution of an isolated quantum system has been a fascinating problem. [mehr]

One, Two, Many Modes: Developent & Application of High-dimensional Systems for Quantum Information Science (Dr. R. Kruse)

In recent years, one of the main quests in quantum optics has been to finally show that quantum-enhanced applications surpass their classical counterparts. [mehr]

Making quantum liquids from quantum gases (Prof. L. Tarruell)

Self-bound states appear in contexts as diverse as solitary waves in channels, optical solitons in non-linear media and liquid droplets. [mehr]

Quantum storage of multi-mode entanglement based on cold atomic ensembles (Dr. W. Zhang)

Multi-mode entanglement enables quantum communication with higher channel capacity and more efficient quantum-information processing and also is compatible with diverse quantum networks. [mehr]

Excitation basis for gauge models of topological phases (Dr. C. Delcamp)

The lattice Hamiltonian of Kitaev’s model yields electric and magnetic excitations located at punctures. [mehr]

Relativistic dynamical reduction models: an overview of the latest results (T. Guaita)

The dynamical reduction program is an attempt to modify the laws of quantum mechanics in order to solve the measurement and macro-objectification problems. [mehr]

Prospects for a quantum electro-optic interface via micromechanical motion (Prof. C. Regal)

Superconducting qubits have become a powerful resource for the creation of arbitrary quantum states. [mehr]

Operational entanglement measures and state transformations (Katharina Schwaiger, MSc)

Entanglement is the resource to overcome the natural limitations of spatially separated parties restricted to Local Operations assisted by Classical Communication (LOCC). [mehr]

Experimental many-body physics using arrays of individual Rydberg atoms (Prof. A. Browaeys)

This talk will present our on-going effort to control the dipole-dipole interaction between cold Rydberg atoms in order to implement spin Hamiltonians that may be useful for quantum simulation of condensed matter problems. [mehr]

Strongly Correlated Systems of Bosons and Fermions: Many-body phenomena and Numerical Methods (Dr. A. Angelone)

Many interesting physical phenomena are connected to strongly correlated systems, which, due to their complexity, cannot usually be studied analitically, making numerical approaches essential. [mehr]

Quantum many-body dynamics under continuous observation (Prof. M. Ueda)

Quantum gas microscopy has revolutionalized our approach to quantum many-body systems where atoms trapped in an optical lattice can be observed in real time at the single-particle level. [mehr]

Polaron physics with ultracold atoms and beyond (Dr. R. Schmidt)

When an impurity is immersed into an environment, it changes its properties due to its interactions with the surrounding medium. [mehr]

Atomic giants in a new light: Emerging photon interactions from highly excited Rydberg atoms (Prof. T. Pohl)

The combination of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) and strongly interacting Rydberg states in cold atomic gases has opened up new routes towards achieving few-photon optical nonlinearities. [mehr]

PostDoc Talks - Max Planck Harvard Research Center for Quantum Optics

The MPHQ has organized a series of postdoc talks. [mehr]

Ultrafast Transmission Electron Microscopy with High-coherence Electron Beams (Prof. C. Ropers)

Ultrafast Transmission Electron Microscopy (UTEM) is a powerful technique to study structural and electronic dynamics on the nanoscale. [mehr]

Quantum key distribution networks and their applications for blockchain technologies (A. Fedorov)

The blockchain is a distributed ledger platform with high Byzantine fault tolerance, which enables achieving consensus in a large decentralized network of parties who do not trust each other. [mehr]

Dipolar quantum gases and liquids (Prof. T. Pfau)

Dipolar interactions are fundamentally different from the usual van der Waals forces in real gases. [mehr]

Nonreciprocity and modulation in optomechanics (Dr. Daniel Malz)

Nonreciprocal devices such as circulators or isolators are essential devices in signal processing. [mehr]

Connecting quantum systems through optimized photonics (Prof. J. Vuckovic)

Semiconductor quantum dot in cavity has been the workhorse of solid-state quantum optics, enabling many exciting demonstrations such as photon blockade, and some of the best quantum light sources and spin-photon interfaces. [mehr]

Acoustic Control of Light and Matter on a Chip (Prof. H. Krenner)

Phonons, the quanta of mechanical vibrations mediate the propagation of sound and heat in condensed matter. [mehr]

Label-free tissue classification by FTIR- and QCL-based IR-imaging (Prof. K. Gerwert)

Infrared imaging in combination with bioinformatics is an emerging tool for label-free, non-invasive annotation of tissue, cells, and body fluids. [mehr]

The emergence of contractility in biological fiber networks (Dr. P. Ronceray)

Large-scale force generation is essential for biological functions such as cell motility, embryonic development, and muscle contraction. [mehr]

Designing quantum spin-orbit-coupled materials: a source for exotic excitations (Prof. Roser Valenti)

In the search for novel materials' properties, the generation and manipulation of highly entangled quantum states is a grand challenge of solid state research. [mehr]

Symmetry reduction induced by anyon condensation: a tensor network approach (José Garre Rubio)

Topological ordered phases are related to changes in the properties of their quasi-particle excitations (anyons). [mehr]
Detailed program with list of speakers [mehr]

Coupling spin and orbital dynamics with quantum light (Prof. D. Stamper-Kurn)

A trapped atomic gas within an optical resonator serves as both a mechanical oscillator and a spin oscillator, represented by the collective degrees of freedom of the gas. [mehr]

Topological effects in dissipative quantum systems (Marcel Wagner)

The concept of topological order seems to be understood on a high level in dissipation-free quantum systems, i.e. in absence of a reservoir or bath. [mehr]
Colloquium on the Occasion of Prof. Dr. Karl-Ludwig Kompa's 80th Birthday! Following please find detailed information: [mehr]
We will inform you about funding opportunities for individual researchers within the European Research Framework Programme Horizon 2020, particularly about the Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellowships and the European Research Council Grants (ERC). PhD students are also very welcome to join! [mehr]

High-performance near- and mid-infrared crystalline coatings (Prof. M. Aspelmeyer)

Substrate-transferred crystalline coatings exploit the unique properties of single-crystal semiconductor coatings for high-end laser optics applications. [mehr]

The Art of Presenting Science: Discovering the First Law of Stage Acting (Gijs Meeusen)

In this meeting, we will analyse presenting and performance and develop a model of communication that allows you to substantially improve the way you present. [mehr]

Black-body radiation and the forgotten heritage of Max Planck (Prof. S. Varró)

Besides the discovery of the fourth fundamental physical constant h, Max Planck (1858-1947) has solved various important problems in physics. [mehr]

From Newton Nonlocality to Quantum Teleportation (Prof. N. Gisin)

To have an object disappearing from one location, only to reappear somewhere else, without the object ever passing through any intermediate locations, is that possible? [mehr]

Correlations of a quantum system in real and momentum space (Prof. S. Jochim)

The properties of a many body system are encoded in correlations between the particles. [mehr]

How to count one photon and get a result of 1000 (Prof. A. Steinberg)

I will present our recent experimental work using electromagnetically induced transparency in laser-cooled atoms to measure the nonlinear phase shift created by a single post-selected photon, and its enhancement through "weak-value amplification." [mehr]

Combs and isotopic customization for trapped ion quantum computing (Prof. W. Campbell)

Since ions bind their valence electrons tightly, the light needed to work with them is often in the UV part of the spectrum, where laser light is difficult to produce and manage. [mehr]

Precision spectroscopic measurements in H2, H2+, He2 and He2+(Prof. Merkt)

Few-electron molecules represent attractive systems for precision spectroscopy because their properties can be calculated with extraordinary accuracy by ab initio quantum-chemical methods. [mehr]

Rotating molecules and fundamental constants (Prof. S. Schiller)

Molecules provide exciting opportunities for precision measurements - significantly extending those offered by atoms. [mehr]

Deciphering complex quantum systems (Prof. A. Buchleitner)

Not many ingredients are needed for a quantum system to turn complex, with the helium atom as the arguably most elementary example. [mehr]
Recently we have predicted a new quasiparticle - the angulon - which is formed when a quantum impurity (such as an electron, atom, or molecule) exchanges its orbital angular momentum with a many-particle environment (such as lattice phonons or a Fermi sea). [mehr]

Laboratory Study of Interstellar Ion-Polar Molecule Reactions (Prof. Kunihiro Okada)

Ion-molecule reactions play important roles in the production processes of interstellar molecules in molecular clouds. In this seminar, I will present the recent experimental data on the translational and rotational temperature dependence of the reaction-rate constant in the CH3CN-Ne+ reaction system. [mehr]
“Finishing touch“ for your proposal ---- please register at eubuero-bayern@mpq.mpg.de [mehr]
In two dimensions, Projected Entangled-Pair States (PEPS) are elegant many-body wavefunctions which capture efficiently the quantum entanglement of ground states of local quantum spin Hamiltonians. [mehr]

Quantum anomaly and transport in the 2D Fermi gas

Quantum anomaly and transport in the 2D Fermi gas
A scale invariant system looks similar on different length scales. Usually this is realized only after some fine tuning, for instance near a phase transition or a scattering resonance. Remarkably, a classical gas in two dimensions is scale invariant for an arbitrary strength of contact interaction. This has striking consequences for its nonequilibrium scaling dynamics, in particular the breathing motion in a harmonic trapping potential. [mehr]

Prof. Géza Giedke

Prof. Géza Giedke

Part 1: Scattering theory in quantum opticsPart 2: Scaling up and understanding the limits of photonic inverse design

Part 1: Scattering theory in quantum optics Part 2: Scaling up and understanding the limits of photonic inverse design
Part 1: Quantum optical systems can often be modelled as a low-dimensional quantum system (such atwo-level system, Jaynes-Cummings system etc.) coupling to an electromagnetic bath. [mehr]

Tag des Lichts am MPQ und der ESO

Tag des Lichts am MPQ und der ESO
Wir feiern: das 60. Jubiläum des Lasers, den internationalen Tag des Lichts und den 25. Geburtstags des Cirac-Zoller-Gates, mit populärwissenschaftlichen Vorträgen, Science Slams, Experimenten, Laborführungen, einem Laserlabyrinth und einem Quanten-Minigolf für Familien und Kinder. Kommen Sie vorbei und feiern Sie mit uns!Mehr Informationen auf der ausführlicheren Eventseite unter: [mehr]

+++ONLINE KOLLOQUIUM+++ Levitodynamics (Prof. Lukas Novotny)

I discuss our experiments with optically levitated nanoparticles in ultrahigh vacuum. Using both active and passive feedback techniques we cool the particle’s center-of-mass temperature below T 100μK and reach mean quantum occupation numbers of n = 4. [mehr]

+++ONLINE KOLLOQUIUM+++ (MCQST-Kolloquium) Topological materials science (Prof. Claudia Felser)

Topology, a mathematical concept, recently became a hot and truly transdisciplinary topic in condensed matter physics, solid state chemistry and materials science. Since there is a direct connection between real space: atoms, valence electrons, bonds and orbitals, and reciprocal space: bands, Fermi surfaces and Berry curvature, a simple classification of topological materials in a single particle picture should be possible. [mehr]
Double Feature of Dr. Isabel Rabey and Dr. Lorenzo Piroli [mehr]

Nobel Symposium am MPQ

Anlässlich des Nobelpreises für Professor Ferenc Krausz findet am 21. Februar, von 14 – 18 Uhr ein ein Nobel Symposium statt. Nach dem inhaltlichen Programm (bis ca. 17 Uhr) freuen wir uns, Sie zu einem kleinen Sektempfang mit Häppchen zu begrüßen. Es wird auch die Möglichkeit geben, virtuell an der Veranstaltung teilzunehmen. [mehr]
Laser, Licht, Atome - Ein Tag als QuantenoptikerinAm Girls' Day 2024 nehmen wir euch mit in diese Welt. Es ist eine Welt im Mikrokosmos, in der extreme Bedingungen herrschen und alltägliche Regeln nicht mehr gelten. Eine Welt, die einfach anders funktioniert. Die kleinsten Teilchen spielen hier die größten Rollen: Photonen, Elektronen und Atome. Sie verhalten sich miteinander auf ganz besondere und geheimnisvolle Art und Weise. Ihr Zusammenspiel erforschen die Wissenschaftlerinnen am Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik und am 25. April zeigen sie euch ihre Welt. [mehr]
Zur Redakteursansicht