Once you arrived in Germany there are certain formalities you will have to take care of right away, like registering at your local residency and applying for a residence permit. Also a bank account needs to be opened if you haven’t done so already. Here are some useful links what needs to be done.
In Germany, it is compulsory to register at the “residents’ registration office” (Einwohnermeldeamt) within two weeks after arrival.
There are plenty of good options for German bank accounts. Usually, it is fairly easy to open an account, once you are registered in Germany (and sometimes even before).
If you hold a foreign citizenship and intend to stay longer than three months, you will have to apply for a
residence permit in the Ausländerbehörde (foreigners´ registration office) as your visa EXPIRES after 6 months.
Registration at the german broadcasting fee, driving in Germany and other important formalities during your stay in Germany