Immanuel Bloch receives the Bavarian Maximilian Order
The Maximilian Order for Science and Art is the highest distinction in Bavaria for outstanding contributions in these two disciplines.
Immanuel Bloch, Managing Director and Head of the Quantum Many Body Systems Division at MPQ, Chairholder for Experimental Physics at LMU and Head of the "Exzellence Cluster" MCQST, has been awarded with the Maximilian Order for Science and Art. The Maximilian Order is the highest honour of the Free State of Bavaria for outstandind contributions in sciences or arts. Immanuel Bloch receives the Order for his pioneering works in quantum physics with which he has opened up a new and interdisciplinary field of research at the crossing of quantum optics, quantum information processing and solid-state physics: the exploration of quantum many body systems.
Next to Immanuel Bloch, nine other important figures were awarded with the Order for their special merits. Amongst them also Martin Stratmann, President of the Max Planck Society, and Doris Dörrie, a famous German author and film director. The honour was awarded on Wednesday 10th of November 2021 by the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder in the Antiquarium of the Munich Residenz.
The Bavarian Maximilian Order for Science and Art goes back to a foundation by King Maximilian II in 1853. It was created by law in 1980 in continuation of an old Bavarian tradition. The number of recipients of the Order is limited to 100, currently their are 90 dignitaries. It was awarded for the 19th time this year.
"All the honourees have reached the highest level of academic and artistic achievement. All of Bavaria is proud of these great achievements," said Minister President Söder at the award ceremony.