Quantum Information & Computing Meeting: Error mitigation and quantum-assisted simulation in the error corrected regime

Matteo Lostaglio (University of Amsterdam)
How do we simulate a quantum computation when we (a) don't have access to a quantum computer (b) have access to a noisy quantum computer (c) have access to a small quantum computer?

October 26, 2021

Matteo Lostaglio (University of Amsterdam)
Group meeting via Zoom
Tue, 26 October 2021, 11:30 am (MEZ)


How do we simulate a quantum computation when we (a) don't have access to a quantum computer (b) have access to a noisy quantum computer (c) have access to a small quantum computer? Case (a) corresponds to classical simulation, (b) to error mitigation and (c) to quantum-assisted simulation. I will introduce a unified framework to think about these questions in the context of quantum computation with magic states. This singles out a quantity, the Quantum-assisted Robustness of Magic (QRoM), which measures the overhead of simulating the ideal computation with the non-ideal ones through quasiprobability-based methods. The QRoM shows how the addition of noisy magic resources allows to boost classical quasiprobability simulations of a quantum circuit and allows the construction of explicit protocols, interpolating between classical simulation and an ideal quantum computer. Based on the joint work with Alessandro Ciani: https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.07526 (to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett.)

If you'd like to participate in the meeting, please contact us!

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