Quantum Information & Computing Meeting: Matchgate circuits and classical simulation of quantum computation

Esther Cruz (MPQ): Matchgate circuits refer to a class of quantum circuits that, like Clifford circuits, are classically simulable.

June 29, 2021

Esther Cruz (MPQ)
Group Meeting via Zoom
Tue 29. June 2021, 11:00 am (MEZ)


Matchgate circuits refer to a class of quantum circuits that, like Clifford circuits, are classically simulable. They first appeared in the context of finding perfect matches of graphs, a problem that is NP-hard in the general case but trivial for a class of graphs denoted by planar graphs, which can be expressed in terms of matchgates. Later on a lot of attention was drawn into these circuits when it was shown that they can be used to encode non-interacting fermionic systems and to describe the time evolution of fermionic Gaussian states.
In this talk, I will review some of the most important results about matchgate circuits.  I will sketch the proof about the equivalence between matchgate and space-bounded quantum computation and relate it to the study of non-interacting fermionic systems.

If you'd like to participate in the seminar, please contact us!

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