Condensed Matter Seminar: Applying of the functional renormalization group to the study of Bose-Fermi mixtures

Jonas von Milczewski (MPQ)
I will talk about our recent work on the Polaron problem which we continued to describe an interacting Bose-Fermi mixture.

April 06, 2020

Jonas von Milczewski (MPQ)
Online Seminar
Mon 06. April 2020, 11:30 am (MEZ)


I will talk about our recent work on the Polaron problem which we continued to describe an interacting Bose-Fermi mixture. I will start with a brief overview of recent work on the Polaron problem and introduce a functional Renormalization group framework we developed that reproduces a Polaron-to-molecule transition in two-dimensional Fermi gases. While this transition has been shown to exist in QMC methods and  complicated variational approaches it has not yet been seen in approaches as simple ours. I will then spend a bit of time discussing the properties of the Polaron in our approach and show some absorption spectra. Finally, I introduce and discuss a framework with which the Polaron problem can be extended to describe Bose-Fermi mixtures for low bosonic densities in order to study the phase diagram. I will conclude my talk with an outlook onto further research in this endeavor.

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