

On an irregular basis various Special Seminars take place at the MPQ. The seminars are organized by scientists of our divisions, administration or staff representatives. The location will be announced with the event.
The radius of the proton, generally assumed to be a well measured and understood  quantity has recently come under scrutiny due to highly precise, yet conflicting, experimental results. These new results have generated a host of interpretations, none of which are completely satisfactory. [more]
Large spin systems can exhibit unconventional types of magnetic ordering different from the ferromagnetic or N\'eel-like antiferromagnetic order commonly found in spin 1/2 systems. [more]
The quantum cascade laser has demonstrated the ability to provide gain over a very broad wavelength range. [more]
Photonic entanglement is one of the most common methods to generate and study entangled states. Photon pairs can be entangled in different degrees freedom including polarisation, momentum or energy. [more]
If a polarization excess is injected in many-spin quantum system which is initially in a high-temperature equilibrium, then this “excitation” would spread all over as consequence of spin-spin interactions. [more]
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