Publications of Ulf Kleineberg

Journal Article (33)

Journal Article
Potamianos, D.; Schnitzenbaumer, M.; Lemell, C.; Scigalla, P.; Libisch, F.; Schock-Schmidtke, E.; Haimerl, M.; Schröder, C.; Schäffer, M.; Küchle, J. T. et al.; Riemensberger, J.; Eberle, K.; Cui, Y.; Kleineberg, U.; Burgdörfer, J.; Barth, J. V.; Feulner, P.; Allegretti, F.; Kienberger, R.: Attosecond chronoscopy of the photoemission near a bandgap of a single-element layered dielectric. Science Advances 10, eado0073 (2024)
Journal Article
Heinrich , S.; Saule, T.; Högner, M.; Cui, Y.; Yakovlev, V. S.; Pupeza, I.; Kleineberg, U.: Attosecond intra-valence band dynamics and resonant-photoemission delays in W(110). Nature Communications 12 (1), 3404 (2021)
Journal Article
Maier, A. R.; Kajumba, N.; Guggenmos, A.; Werle, C.; Wenz, J.; Delbos, N.; Zeitler, B.; Dornmair, I.; Schmidt , J.; Gullikson, E. M. et al.; Krausz, F.; Schramm, U.; Kleineberg, U.; Karsch, S.; Grüner, F.: Water-Window X-Ray Pulses from a Laser-Plasma Driven Undulator. Scientific Reports 10 (1), 5634 (2020)
Journal Article
Riemensberger, J.; Neppl, S.; Potamianos, D.; Schäffer, M.; Schnitzenbaumer, M.; Ossiander, M.; Schröder, C.; Guggenmos, A.; Kleineberg, U.; Menzel, D. et al.; Allegretti, F.; Barth, J. V.; Kienberger, R.; Feulner, P.; Borisov, A. G.; Echenique, P. M.; Kazansky, A. K.: Attosecond Dynamics of sp-Band Photoexcitation. Physical Review Letters 123 (17), 176801 (2019)
Journal Article
Siegrist, F.; Gessner, J.; Ossiander, M.; Denker, C.; Chang , Y.-P.; Schröder, M. C.; Guggenmos, A.; Cui, Y.; Walowski, J.; Martens, U. et al.; Dewhurst, J. K.; Kleineberg, U.; Münzenberg, M.; Sharma, S.; Schultze, M.: Light-wave dynamic control of magnetism. Nature 571 (7764), pp. 240 - 244 (2019)
Journal Article
Saule, T.; Heinrich, S.; Schötz, J.; Lilienfein, N.; Högner, M.; deVries, O.; Plötner, M.; Weitenberg, J.; Esser, D.; Schulte, J. et al.; Russbueldt, P.; Limpert, J.; Kling, J.; Kleineberg, U.; Pupeza, I.: High-flux ultrafast extreme-ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy at 18.4 MHz pulse repetition rate. Nature Communications 10, 458 (2019)
Journal Article
Guggenmos, A.; Cui, Y.; Heinrich, S.; Kleineberg, U.: Attosecond Pulse Shaping by Multilayer Mirrors. Applied Sciences 8 (12), 2503 (2018)
Journal Article
Bergues, B.; Rivas, D. E.; Weidman, M.; Muschet, A. A.; Helml, W.; Guggenmos, A.; Pervak, V.; Kleineberg, U.; Marcus , G.; Kienberger, R. et al.; Charalambidis, D.; Tzallas, P.; Schröder, H.; Krausz, F.; Veisz, L.: Tabletop nonlinear optics in the 100-eV spectral region. Optica 5 (3), pp. 237 - 242 (2018)
Journal Article
Schmidt, J.; Guggenmos, A.; Chew, S. H.; Gliserin, A.; Högner, M.; Kling, M. F.; Zou, J.; Späth, C.; Kleineberg, U.: Development of a 10 kHz high harmonic source up to 140 eV photon energy for ultrafast time-, angle-, and phase-resolved photoelectron emission spectroscopy on solid targets. Review of Scientific Instruments 88 (8), 083105 (2017)
Journal Article
Zürch, M.; Jung, R.; Späth, C.; Tümmler, J.; Guggenmos, A.; Attwood, D.; Kleineberg, U.; Stiel, H.; Spielmann, C.: Transverse Coherence Limited Coherent Diffraction Imaging using a Molybdenum Soft X-ray Laser Pumped at Moderate Pump Energies. Scientific Reports 7, 5314 (2017)
Journal Article
Pearce, K.; Schuknecht, F.; Späth, C.; Duschner, B.; Richter, F.; Kleineberg, U.: Monitoring the surface quality of silver plasmon waveguides with nonlinear photoemission electron microscopy and in-situ ion sputtering. Ultramicroscopy 183, pp. 55 - 60 (2017)
Journal Article
Guggenmos, A.; Akil, A.; Ossiander, M.; Schäffer, M.; Azzeer, A. M.; Boehm, G.; Amann, M.-C.; Kienberger, R.; Schultze, M.; Kleineberg, U.: Attosecond photoelectron streaking with enhanced energy resolution for small-bandgap materials. Optics Letters 41 (16), pp. 3714 - 3717 (2016)
Journal Article
Carstens, H.; Högner, M.; Saule, T.; Holzberger, S.; Lilienfein, N.; Guggenmos, A.; Jocher, C.; Eidam, T.; Esser, D.; Tosa, V. et al.; Pervak, V.; Limpert, J.; Tünnermann, A.; Kleineberg, U.; Krausz, F.; Pupeza, I.: High-harmonic generation at 250 MHz with photon energies exceeding 100 eV. Optica 3 (4), pp. 366 - 369 (2016)
Journal Article
Guggenmos, A.; Jobst, M.; Ossiander, M.; Radünz, S.; Riemensberger, J.; Schäffer, M.; Akil, A.; Jakubeit, C.; Boehm, P.; Noever, S. et al.; Nickel, B.; Kienberger, R.; Kleineberg, U.: Chromium/scandium multilayer mirrors for isolated attosecond pulses at 145 eV. Optics Letters 40 (12), pp. 2846 - 2849 (2015)
Journal Article
Zürch, M.; Rothhardt, J.; Hädrich, S.; Demmler, S.; Krebs, M.; Limpert, J.; Tünnermann, A.; Guggenmos, A.; Kleineberg, U.; Spielmann, C.: Real-time and Sub-wavelength Ultrafast Coherent Diffraction Imaging in the Extreme Ultraviolet. Scientific Reports 4, 7356 (2014)
Journal Article
Guggenmos, A.; Radünz, S.; Rauhut, R.; Hofstetter, M.; Venkatesan, S.; Wochnik, A.; Gullikson, E. M.; Fischer, S.; Nickel, B.; Scheu, C. et al.; Kleineberg, U.: Ion polished Cr/Sc attosecond multilayer mirrors for high water window reflectivity. Optics Express 22 (22), pp. 26526 - 26536 (2014)
Journal Article
Guggenmos, A.; Rauhut, R.; Hofstetter, M.; Hertrich, S.; Nickel, B.; Schmidt, J.; Gullikson, E. M.; Seibald, M.; Schnick, W.; Kleineberg, U.: Aperiodic CrSc multilayer mirrors for attosecond water window pulses. Optics Express 21 (19), pp. 21728 - 21740 (2013)
Journal Article
Chew, S. H.; Süßmann, F.; Späth, C.; Wirth, A.; Schmidt, J.; Zherebtsov, S.; Guggenmos, A.; Oelsner, A.; Weber, N.; Kapaldo, J. et al.; Gliserin, A.; Stockman, M. I.; Kling, M. F.; Kleineberg, U.: Time-of-flight-photoelectron emission microscopy on plasmonic structures using attosecond extreme ultraviolet pulses. Applied Physics Letters 100, 051904 (2012)
Journal Article
Hofstetter, M.; Aquila, A.; Schultze, M.; Guggenmos, A.; Yang, S.; Gullikson, E.; Huth, M.; Nickel, B.; Gagnon, J.; Yakovlev, V. S. et al.; Goulielmakis, E.; Krausz, F.; Kleineberg, U.: Lanthanum-molybdenum multilayer mirrors for attosecond pulses between 80 and 130 eV. New Journal of Physics 13, 063038 (2011)
Journal Article
Magerl, E.; Neppl, S.; Cavalieri, A. L.; Bothschafter, E. M.; Stanislawski, M.; Uphues, T.; Hofstetter, M.; Kleineberg, U.; Barth, J. V.; Menzel, D. et al.; Krausz, F.; Ernstorfer, R.; Kienberger, R.; Feulner, P.: A flexible apparatus for attosecond photoelectron spectroscopy of solids and surfaces. Review of Scientific Instruments 82 (6), 063104 (2011)
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