PhD promotion and scientific career at MPQ - visually
Two new video projects show how excellent infrastructure, the best minds and ideal research conditions at the MPI of Quantum Optics allow for cutting-edge research and first-class doctoral training.
What does it mean to complete a doctorate or build a career in academia and science at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics? In two new video productions, young scientists, the scientific community and the interested public can gain a vivid impression of the ideal conditions for researchers to start or continue their careers at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics and why our institute is the perfect place for it.
What is it like to be a PhD student at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics? We currently have over 120 doctoral students (from over 40 countries) working on their own research projects in five different research areas: Attosecond Physics, Laser Spectroscopy, Quantum Many-Body Systems, Quantum Dynamics and Theory. Two of them, Marta Florido Llinas and Muhammad Thariq, kindly agreed to show us their daily paths and places at the MPQ and tell us from their very personal point of view why the institute is the perfect place for them to do their doctorate.
What‘s next?
Building a career in science after completing a doctorate is always challenging, regardless of the field of research. Nevertheless, many researchers have successfully gone through this process and made a name for themselves in their field afterwards. The Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics is an ideal environment for excellent physicists who wish to pursue a career in quantum optics - be it in academia, industry or start-ups. Three of our senior scientists, Mari Carmen Bañuls from the Theory Department, Philipp Preiss from the Quantum Many-Body Systems Group and Dmitrii Kormin from the Laboratory for Attosecond Physics share their own perspectives and opinions on a scientific career in quantum optics and why they are convinced that MPQ is the best (starting) place for it.