

On an irregular basis various Special Seminars take place at the MPQ. The seminars are organized by scientists of our divisions, administration or staff representatives. The location will be announced with the event.
Speaker: Dr. Caroline Champenois Room: Hörsaal, Raum B 0.32 / New lecture hall, Room B 0.32 Location: Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics

Special Seminar: Absolute Measurement of a THz Transition Frequency Referenced to a Magnetic Dipolar Transition in Ca+ ion

Special Seminar: Absolute Measurement of a THz Transition Frequency Referenced to a Magnetic Dipolar Transition in Ca+ ion
A three-photon Coherent Population Trapping is observed by the dark line it induces on the laser induced fluorescence of a laser-cooled Ca+ ion cloud. This dark line is referenced to a magnetic dipolar transition at 1.8 THz, between two fine-structure sub-state of a metastable state. We explore the performance of such a system for frequency metrology in the THz domain. [more]
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