

On an irregular basis various Special Seminars take place at the MPQ. The seminars are organized by scientists of our divisions, administration or staff representatives. The location will be announced with the event.
Host: MPQ, Quantum Dynamics Division

Quantum storage of multi-mode entanglement based on cold atomic ensembles (Dr. W. Zhang)

Multi-mode entanglement enables quantum communication with higher channel capacity and more efficient quantum-information processing and also is compatible with diverse quantum networks. [more]

One, Two, Many Modes: Developent & Application of High-dimensional Systems for Quantum Information Science (Dr. R. Kruse)

In recent years, one of the main quests in quantum optics has been to finally show that quantum-enhanced applications surpass their classical counterparts. [more]

Improved sensitivity to the electron´s electric dipole moment using YbF molecules (Dr. I. Rabey)

It is well known that the electron has a magnetic dipole moment. [more]

Quantum optomechanics with superfluid helium density waves (Alexey Shkarin)

The field of optomechanics deals with the interaction between light and mechanical objects. [more]

Quantum optics with semiconductor quantum dots (Prof. P. Senellart-Mardon)

Today, optical quantum technologies are limited both by the low efficiency of heralded single-photon sources and by the probabilistic operation of two-photon gates. [more]
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