Theory Seminar: Generalizing quantum dual unitary circuits with hierarchy condition

March 29, 2023

Xiehang Yu, MPQ quantum dynamics group
Theory Seminar: Generalizing quantum dual unitary circuits with hierarchy condition
Wednesday, 29th March, 11:30am (MEZ)


The quantum dual unitary circuits play an important role in theoretical many body physics as they provide rare exactly solvable models that help illustrate concepts such as light cone, integrable models, and quantum chaos. In this presentation, I will discuss my recent collaborative work with Pavel on extending the scope of dual-unitary circuits through the proposal of a new condition that allows for a wider class of quantum gates to be included, while remaining solvable. Our research also reveals intriguing correlation function behaviors within the light cone. Time permitting, I will also touch upon some of the work I conducted during my master's degree program.

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