
Project Summary

The Hubbard model plays an important role in the description of Quantum materials. In two dimensions, this model is supposed to capture the essential physics of high temperature superconductors. In addition, new non-silicon based materials for potential applications in the field of electronics ("spintronics") are often described by the Hubbard model or models derived from it.Thus, it is also relevant for industrial applications.The solution of the mathematical equation for the Hubbard model with classical computers is very difficult, since the required resources grow exponentially with the system size. Quantum computers, however, could overcome this hurdle and provide solutions in a much shorter time.

The goal of the project is to develope efficient quantum algorithms for Hubbard models above absolute zero. Thereby tasks shall be solved that cannot be solved with classical computers. In this context algorithms are to be developed in order to calculate both static and dynamic material properties (e.g. optical
properties or transport properties) with analog or digital quantum computers. The expertise of the partners in the fields of
quantum computing, quantum algorithms, many-particle quantum algorithms and many-particle physics is used to realize the different building blocks of the algorithms.

To learn more about this project visit the BMBF website.


BMBF - Quantentechnologie

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