Theory Seminar: Deep Learning of Quantum Many-Body Dynamics via Random Driving

Naeimeh Mohseni (MPL, Erlangen)
Neural networks have emerged as a powerful way to approach many practical problems in quantum physics.

July 06, 2022

Naeimeh Mohseni (MPL, Erlangen).
Group seminar (Herbert-Walther-Hörsaal G0.25)
Wed, 6 July 2022, 11:30 am (MEZ)


Neural networks have emerged as a powerful way to approach many practical problems in quantum physics. In this talk, I address the power of deep learning to predict the dynamics of a quantum many-body system, where the training is based purely on monitoring expectation values of observables under random driving. The trained recurrent network is able to produce accurate predictions for driving trajectories entirely different than those observed during training. As a proof of principle, here we train the network on numerical data generated from spin models, showing that it can learn the dynamics of observables of interest without needing information about the full quantum state. This allows our approach to be applied eventually to actual experimental data generated from a quantum many-body system that might be open, noisy, or disordered, without any need for a detailed understanding of the system. This scheme provides considerable speedup for rapid explorations and pulse optimization. Remarkably, we show the network is able to extrapolate the dynamics to times longer than those it has been trained on, as well as to the infinite-system-size limit.

If you’d like to participate in the seminar, please contact us!

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