Quantum Optics Seminar: Towards self-assembled crystals of neutral atoms based on dipole-dipole interactions
Lukas Wangler (MPQ)
Trapped ions and electrons in solids can form crystals due to their repulsive interactions.
Lukas Wangler (MPQ)
Group seminar (hybrid format: online/seminar room B2.46)
Fri, 14. January 2022, 14:30 (MEZ)
Trapped ions and electrons in solids can form crystals due to their repulsive interactions. Such crystals show interesting physics and are appealing platforms for quantum technologies. A different paradigm are subwavelength arrays of atoms, where strong dipole-dipole interactions can be present and sub- or superradiance may occur. We want to combine these two themes and aim to build a self-assembled crystal of neutral atoms in free space, where the distances between neighbors are subwavelength.
To generate repulsive forces we use dipole-dipole interactions and we would like to exploit the subradiant states to suppress decoherence. I will present a scheme to create a crystal of two atoms as a first step towards our goal and give an outlook to the case with N>2 atoms.