Theory seminar: Many-body quantum dynamics and temporal entanglement

Giacomo Giudice (MPQ): As a system evolves unitarily from some generic initial state, the entanglement entropy grows linearly in time.

January 12, 2022

Giacomo Giudice (MPQ)
Group seminar (hybrid format: online/seminar room B0.32)
Wed, 12. January 2022, 11:30 MEZ


As a system evolves unitarily from some generic initial state, the entanglement entropy grows linearly in time. This poses challenges for tensor-network techniques, as this growth effectively constrains numerical simulations to short times. Seeking for alternative methods to simulate many-body quantum dynamics, the entanglement generated in the temporal direction has been object of old and recent studies. In this talk I will give a brief overview of what has been accomplished so far, and, building upon this, will analyse some novel results on the XXZ Heisenberg circuit. I will illustrate an exact solution which yields a logarithmic growth of the temporal entanglement. With additional numerical evidence, I will argue that this behavior holds more generally for integrable interacting circuits.

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