Many body seminar: *Local Lindbladians: Correlations and Phases (journal club)*
Georgios Styliaris (MPQ)
Locality in quantum Hamiltonians places fundamental constraints the nature of correlations, and in particular gives rise to a meaningful classification of phases.
Georgios Styliaris (MPQ)
Group seminar (hybrid format: online/seminar room B2.46)
Thu, 9 December 2021, 11:00 am (MEZ)
Locality in quantum Hamiltonians places fundamental constraints the nature of correlations, and in particular gives rise to a meaningful classification of phases. In this journal-club-style presentation, I will talk about their open-system "counterparts", local Linbladians. I will review results on their correlations and talk about the classification for mixed states introduced by Coser and Pérez-García.
We meet at 11h in the Theory seminar room starting with an informal
discussion, the talk begins at 11:20. Please don't forget to do a corona self test before.