Quantum Optics Seminar: Macroscopic condensation of photon noise in sharply nonlinear dissipative systems
Dominik Wild (MPQ)
The preparation of macroscopic non-Gaussian states has been a long-standing challenge in quantum optics.
Dominik Wild (MPQ)
Group seminar (hybrid format: online/seminar room B2.46)
Fri, 26 November 2021, 2:30 pm (MEZ)
The preparation of macroscopic non-Gaussian states has been a long-standing challenge in quantum optics. In a recent preprint, Rivera et al. claim that such states can be prepared using nonlinear dissipation (https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03099). I will present the main results of the paper and will discuss the feasibility of the proposal.
If you'd like to participate in the seminar, please contact us!