Quantum Information and Computing Meeting: Floquet codes and dynamically generated logical qubits in quantum error correction (journal club)
Adrián Franco Rubio (MPQ): After giving an introduction to the formalism of stabilizer and subsystem quantum error correcting codes, I will talk about the recent paper arXiv:2107.02194, where Hastings and Haah present a generalization they name "Floquet codes"
Adrián Franco Rubio (MPQ)
Group Meeting (hybrid format: online/seminar room B2.46)
Tue, 23 November 2021, 11:00 am (MEZ)
After giving an introduction to the formalism of stabilizer and subsystem quantum error correcting codes, I will talk about the recent paper arXiv:2107.02194, where Hastings and Haah present a generalization they name "Floquet codes". These are characterized by the dynamical generation of logical qubits, i.e., the phenomenon by which codes that could not protect quantum information in the standard (static) formalism are shown to do so if their corresponding error detection measurements are carried out in the appropriate time pattern. The protected qubits then live in a time-dependent logical subspace. In particular, the authors propose a Floquet code which is related to Kitaev's honeycomb model and toric code, but only requires two-body (as opposed to three- or four-body) measurements to operate. Time permitting we will mention other works that since then have been developing this idea.