Theory Seminar: Sequential generation of tensor network states

Zhi-Yuan Wei (MPQ):
First, we discuss two implementations to sequentially generate photonic matrix product states, one based on a Rydberg atomic array [1], and another based on a microwave cavity dispersively coupled to a transmon [2].

September 22, 2021

Zhi-Yuan Wei (MPQ)
Group Seminar via Zoom
Wed, 22. September 2021, 11:30 am (MEZ)


First, we discuss two implementations to sequentially generate photonic matrix product states, one based on a Rydberg atomic array [1], and another based on a microwave cavity dispersively coupled to a transmon [2]. We show both implementations can generate a large number of entangled photons. The Rydberg array further features free-space multi-port distribution of entanglement, while the cavity + transmon setup can be naturally extended to generate high-dimensional photonic states.

Then, we introduce plaquette projected entangled-pair states (p-PEPS)[3], a class of states in a lattice that can be generated by applying sequential unitaries acting on plaquettes of overlapping regions. They satisfy area-law entanglement, possess long-range correlations, and naturally generalize other relevant classes of tensor network states. We identify a subclass that can be more efficiently prepared in a radial fashion and that contains the family of isometric tensor network states [4]. We also show how such subclass can be efficiently prepared using an array of photon sources, and devise a physical realization by extending the above cavity-transmon setup [2].


[1] Zhi-Yuan Wei et al., Physical Review Research, 3(2), 023021.
[2] Zhi-Yuan Wei et al., arXiv:2109.06781
[3] Zhi-Yuan Wei et al., arXiv:2107.05873
[4] Michael P. Zaletel et al., PRL 124, 037201 (2020)

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