Quantum Optics Seminar: Generation of Photonic Tensor Networks with Circuit QED and Rydberg Atomic Arrays
Zhi-Yuan Wei (MPQ)
We show how one can deterministically produce large-scale strongly-entangled photonic states by sequentially applying unitaries on a qubit-oscillator system followed by the emission from the qubit.
Zhi-Yuan Wei (MPQ)
Group Seminar via Zoom
Fri 23. April 2021, 10:00 am (MEZ)
We show how one can deterministically produce large-scale strongly-entangled photonic states by sequentially applying unitaries on a qubit-oscillator system followed by the emission from the qubit. We realize such a qubit-oscillator system with two physical setups, one is a microwave cavity coupled to a transmon qubit for generating microwave photons [1], the other is a Rydberg-blockaded atomic array [2] for generating free-space optical photons. We show both of these two setups can produce photonic matrix product states (MPS) of high bond dimension with a large number of photons. The circuit QED setup further features producing high-dimensional entanglement structure, including up to four-dimensional projected entangled pair states (PEPS). The atomic array setup further features generating qudit MPS and efficiently distributing photons to multiple free-space ports.
[1] In preparation.
[2] PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 3, 023021 (2021)
If you'd like to participate in the seminar, please contact us!