Quantum Info & Computing Meeting: Strongly Universal Hamiltonian Simulators

Leo Zhou (Harvard):
A universal family of Hamiltonians can be used to simulate any local Hamiltonian by encoding its full spectrum as the low-energy subspace of a Hamiltonian from the family.

March 22, 2021

Leo Zhou, Harvard
Talk via Zoom
Mon 22.03.2021, 3:45 pm MEZ

A universal family of Hamiltonians can be used to simulate any local Hamiltonian by encoding its full spectrum as the low-energy subspace of a Hamiltonian from the family. Many 2D spin-lattice Hamiltonians – such as the Heisenberg or XY model on the square lattice – are known to be universal. However, the known encodings require interaction energy scaling exponentially with system size for target Hamiltonians with long-range interactions.

In this talk, I will describe an efficient construction by which these 2D spin-lattice models are in fact “strongly universal.” This means the required interaction energy and all other resources scale polynomially in the system size and precision parameters, regardless of the target Hamiltonian's connectivity. Furthermore, we show that even 1D Hamiltonians with nearest-neighbor interaction of 8-dimensional particles on a line are strongly universal. Our results establish that analog quantum simulations of general systems can be made efficient, greatly increasing their potential as applications for near-future quantum technologies.

If you'd like to participate in the talk, please contact us!

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