Thesis - Master (3)

Thesis - Master
Agarwal, M.: A theory of photoconductive sampling of optical fields in atomic gases. Master, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München (2022)
Thesis - Master
Konrad , C. M.: Generation and characterization of ultrashort DUV pulses. Master, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München (2022)

Preprint (1)

Hofer, C.; Gerz, D.; Fürst, L.; Högner, M.; Butler, T.; Gebhardt, M.; Heuermann, T.; Gaida, C.; Maiti, K. S.; Huber, M. et al.; Fill, E. E.; Limpert, J.; Krausz, F.; Pupeza, I.: Field-resolved spectroscopy approaching ultimate detection sensitivity. (submitted to Nature). (submitted)
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