Scientific Publications

Publications of Daniel Adler

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Hollerith, S.; Walther, V.; Srakaew, K.; Wei, D.; Adler, D.; Agrawal, S.; Weckesser, P.; Bloch, I.; Zeiher, J.: Rydberg molecules bound by strong light fields. PRX Quantum 5, 030335 (2024)
Journal Article
Wei, D.; Adler, D.; Srakaew, K.; Agrawal, S.; Weckesser, P.; Bloch, I.; Zeiher, J.: Observation of Brane Parity Order in Programmable Optical Lattices. Physical Review X 13, 021042 (2023)
Journal Article
Srakaew, K.; Weckesser, P.; Hollerith, S.; Wei, D.; Adler, D.; Bloch, I.; Zeiher, J.: A subwavelength atomic array switched by a single Rydberg atom. Nature Physics 2023 (2023)
Journal Article
Hollerith, S.; Srakaew, K.; Wei, D.; Rubio Abadal, A.; Adler, D.; Weckesser, P.; Kruckenhauser, A.; Walther, V.; van Bijnen, R.; Rui, J. et al.; Groß, C.; Bloch, I.; Zeiher, J.: Realizing distance-selective interactions in a Rydberg-dressed atom array. Physical Review Letters 128 (11), 113602 (2022)

Preprint (1)

Adler, D.; Wei, D.; Will, M.; Srakaew, K.; Agrawal, S.; Weckesser, P.; Moessner, R.; Pollmann, F.; Bloch, I.; Zeiher, J.: Observation of Hilbert-space fragmentation and fractonic excitations in two-dimensional Hubbard systems. (submitted)
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