Single-cycled laser acceleration of ions and “TeV on a chip” acceleration (Prof. T. Tajima)
- Date: Jul 15, 2016
- Time: 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Prof. Dr. Tashiki Tajima, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of California, Irvine, USA
- Room: Herbert Walther Lecture Hall
- Host: MPQ, Laser Spectroscopy Division
In order to increase the electron energy gain by the laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA), three ways are known. The first way is to multi-stage the LWFA beyond the dephasing length. The second method is to decrease the plasma density so that the dephasing length is increased.
Thus an alternative path is to increase the laser frequency. If we
increase from 1ω to 3ω, either the energy gain increases by 10 or the
acceleration lengthshrinks by 30.More drastically, if we adopt the
latest thin film compression (TFC) to a single-cycle laser pulse,
followed by the relativistic compression on the surface of a metal, we
can increase the laser frequency by many orders (Mourou et al. EPJ,
2014). This technology should increase the acceleration gradient by many
orders of magnitude to such a value as to TeV/cm and the energy gain
over the dephasing length as TeV.